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(2 edits)

Hey, few people that are still using this forum! (...Not really)

Yeah, I've got another update for this post, more bot ideas and three new upgrades!


SWAR Riot/PURGE Guardian.

As the name of the SWAR version says, they are robots that wield a tower/riot shield, they are defensive enemies that always have armor, they carry around Plasma Pistols that are used with the shields, shooting from behind cover, the Pistols are rather innacurate, though. (I mean, you're probably not accurate with a giant sheet of metal in front of ya.) They cannot be knocked down easily, not even by Kick Power or grenade explosions, but they are knocked around with any attacks, the SWAR version's shield is desructible, but the PURGE one isn't, PURGE Guardians always appear in levels with environmental hazards, so you can knock them into lava, sawblades or something like that. SWAR Riots sometimes appear in levels without those hazards, so you have to chip their shields away. After a Riot loses their shield, they will use their Pistol to defend themselves, the PURGE version has spikes on their shield.

SWAR Rebel/PURGE Rogue.

Remember those Pistols I mentioned before? If not, you have a case of this little trope:, anyways, Rebels and Rogues dual wield them, and have the same ambidextrous property as the Flankers and Chasers, they spray bullets in your general direction, but rarely aim directly for you, basically tricking you by THINKING you have to dodge and end up running in their bullets. They burstfire as well, but the delay between bursts is much smaller than the one in the Plasma Rifles, SWAR fire five shot bursts, PURGE fires seven shot bursts, these bullets deal even less damage, making a five voxel cross in the area they hit, and are REALLY innacurate, to compensate for their extra shootiness, they have Invisibility Modules that (Duh) make them invisible, the PURGE version's module makes you slow down a bit.


Plasma Pistol: I explained them before, you start with a five shot burst pistol, then get a seven shot, you can also dual wield them in the final upgrade on their chain, half an energy bar per burst.

Riot Shield: The shield used by the Riots and Guardians, you can use pistols with them, they are destructible at first, regenerating between rounds, but you can make them indestructible with the next upgrade in the chain, the final one adds spikes onto the shield.

Invisibility Module: It works a bit like aim time, by holding the button, your energy bar drains, and your robot becomes invisible, enemy robots will walk around looking for you, with another upgrade, you can make time slow down too, but only for your enemies, you still walk at normal speed, like the PURGE Rogues.