Nice game! I wasn't able to get passed the first level - I think the best I did was 17 points. I really liked it. The graphics are nice - simple, but very nice. Your response to the theme was also really creative - and I really liked it! And how you chose to explain the game with the stick figure drawings on note book paper really added to the feel of the game. I also liked the music - at first I wasn't so sure about it, but I got to liking it the more I played. It's simple, but fits the whole "crazy" part of the game. I think the only thing I'd suggest is reducing the amount of explosive barrels on the first level. It was kind of hard for a first level (at least, to me) and I had to be rather precise in my destruction, which kind of muddied the "crazy" theme of the game. Other than that though, I really liked it. Well done!