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A member registered Apr 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Great game!  Really liked the game mechanics, even though the controls felt a bit confusing.  The graphics were very nice and really made the whole thing feel very polished. The audio was also very nice and also helped to make the game feel polished and complete.  I did run into a couple bugs like the ingredients spawning underneath the crate and some sort of error where a customer was asking for "0 mushrooms and 0 carrots" that crashed the game when I tried to ship to them.  Other than that though I thought everything was done very nicely.  Well done!

Nice game!  Loved the graphics, and you implemented the theme very well by not just making a game about making jam sandwiches, but also putting emphasis on the jam by having different kinds of jam you have to use.  The main issue I found was that sometimes I couldn't interact with items very quickly and had to move around and click a couple times to eventually get it to register the interaction, but I wouldn't say it was a big problem and overall the game was very fun.  Well done!

Great game!  It's a simple concept but you presented it wonderfully!  The graphics are amazing, I love the particle effects shown in the light, it really sells the atmosphere and sets the mood.  The audio was just enough, while I couldn't say I was all that scared, I definitely still had that chill go up my spine a couple times with the sound effects, knowing that eventually something was going to happen.  I also love the details you put into the environment, such as the cake and and the game controller, giving at least a little bit of an idea of the character you are playing and what they had been doing or what might have happened recently.  I immediately had that instinct to explore the house when I started playing.  Overall, I really liked this game, I can't say I've got any complaints.  Well done!

Great game!  I really loved the graphics and the style you went with it, it all felt pretty polished and had a cool look to it.  You mention level design being one of your lesser skills in the description, but I actually found the design of the levels to be pretty neat.  It was fun and a cool experience to have so many alleys and buildings to run around while running from all the ghosts.  Other than the bugs you already mentioned in the description, I think my main problem was with how slow the intro is.  But other than that, I really liked this game.  Nicely done!

Nice game!  As others have said I was a little confused by what I was supposed to do, but I really liked the graphics and audio!  I thought the lines you have connecting everything looked pretty cool, they had a neat effect going on.  The camera movement was also done well, it felt clean and provided a nice transition between the levels.  Overall, nicely done!

Great game!  Loved everything about it, the graphics, audio, and puzzles were all very well done.  I did run into a problem where in one level the other robot wasn't interacting with anything (it could go on the skull with no issues, and it going on the end-level-space didn't do anything.  I also ran into a problem a couple times where the robot I was playing as sometimes got offset from the grid spaces a bit.  But other than that I felt like everything about this game was really good.  Well done!

Great game!  Loved the graphics and audio.  There wasn't a whole lot to the game, but the story was well done with a nice open-ended ending where I can use my own imagination to guess what happened, which was pretty cool.  You definitely made a really nice horror game packed into a short experience.  I was a bit disappointed that the sneaking mechanic doesn't actually have a whole lot of an effect on anything (though I do think it's neat how the other guy just talks to you regularly with blood all over him, gives a nice creepy vibe) and I ran into a bug where after playing the first time and going back to the main menu, if I play again, the first part before the basement doesn't seem to reload (the other dad isn't in the kitchen, I still have the key, etc) but other than those things I really liked the game!  Well done.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!  Not going to lie, had the same problem while testing and thought it was a bug at first haha.  Not sure why I didn't put in some time to fix that confusion, but here we are I guess.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Great game!  I have to say I enjoyed pretty much every aspect of it.  It works very well with the theme, the graphics and audio are amazing, and the gameplay is just really fun.  The concept of connecting people to the network felt very innovative, and overall the whole game felt so polished.  I've got no complaints, well done!

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Thanks for playing!  The freezing was intentional for creating sort of a "limit" for how far you could stretch the cord, with the point being to back up to relax the cord a bit, but noticeably we didn't get that mechanic implemented very well and it's still pretty buggy.  Sorry that happened to you!  I'm glad you liked the rest of the game though.

Thanks so much for playing!  I'm glad you liked it!

Love the graphics!  Did you actually draw them on paper?  Everything came together really nicely, not sure how you animated everything, but it all worked out fine!  Feels just like if the drawings were actually moving on the paper in real life and the whole game was just you recording it.  I also liked the randomness of the levels to keep them interesting, with the varying positions of everyone as well as the individual you had to protect.  It was a bit disappointing when the last enemy was behind the person I had to save and couldn't do anything about it, but other than that, I really liked the game!  Well done.

Nice game!  The graphics and animations are amazing, and the concept is nice too.  I can't seem to figure out the second part though after the first time plugging into an outlet.

Great game!  It was fun, and as advertised the scenery was amazing!  A lot of the space served no purpose, but the vastness of the land was neat and gave some sort of sense of immersion and I liked it!  The graphics overall were really good and the post processing and floating particles were just enough to make it all feel really nice.  The cinematic camera shots were also done well and gave the game a polished feel.  I also really liked the tornados and their audio, they gave me some sense of apprehension as they got close though them not actually having an effect on me did confuse me a bit.  But overall, I really liked the game.  Well done!

Hello, thanks for playing!  Glad you liked it!  In level 3, if you go into that room on the left, the outlet is behind that partition in the back.

Thanks!  Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you!  Glad you liked it!

Hello, thanks for playing!  Glad you liked it.  Yeah, that bug sounds familiar.  Sorry about that!  The plug and the cord (particularly the cord) gave us a lot of problems during development haha. 

Thank you!  I'm glad you liked it!

Hello, thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!  Yeah, don't know what was going on with the lighting haha, but interesting!  Didn't think of the idea of telling some sort of story during the gameplay, I like it!  Sorry about the plug getting stuck though, that and the cord gave us a lot of problems during development lol

Hello!  Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked so many aspects of the game!  You can control the height of the plug with the mouse scroll wheel.

Great game!  The graphics and game play were well made, and the voice acting was well done too - I liked how you had it glitching from time to time to emphasize the situation.  I also like what you did with the theme as well - you appeared to use the term "connection" in more than one aspect, with "disconnecting" things, connecting things to build the antenna, and gaining the connection with the signals.  I've got no complaints, you did a great job!  Well done!

Hello!  Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!  And thank you for the feedback, it is much appreciated!  

(1 edit)

Thank you!  I'm glad you liked it!

Hello!  Thanks for playing, I hope you enjoyed yourself!  And nice video, meessa liked it!

Hello!  Thank you so much for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!  And nice video too, I enjoyed it!

Hello!  Thank you so much!  I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Hello!  No, there is not.  There are messages up until 100, but the game keeps going until you die.  Although there isn't a highscore system, the point is really just to defeat as much enemies as you can.

Hello, thank you for playing!  I'm glad you liked it.  And nice video!  I'm sorry about what happened to your audio, but at least the Wii music was an interesting touch to the gameplay! xD

Hello!  Alternatively you can use C.

Thank you!  Glad you liked it!

Great game!  It was pretty fun but also really hard.  The graphics are amazing, and the gameplay feels really juicy with not only the visual effects but also the sound effects.  I think the main thing I would suggest is making things a little easier at the beginning while the player is still trying to figure out the complex controls.  Other than that, I liked the game!  Well done!

Hello and thanks for playing!  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Yeah, probably should have brought up at least the movement controls in the tutorial, haha. 

(1 edit)

Absolutely amazing game!  The graphics are amazing, and the impact of not only hitting enemies but the player getting damaged by the enemies as well feels so satisfying and really juicy! I love the concept of having to keep alive by fighting, it was fun, and a really good response to the theme.  The music and the sound effects throughout it were really nice too!  Overall I really liked this game!  Well done!

I really liked this!  The graphics immediately drew me to this game and I wasn't disappointed when I began playing.  Slashing through the enemies and firing the guns felt really fun and satisfying for some reason, and really contributed to the juice of the game.  You only had one frame for the slash animation (as far as I could tell), and yet it still felt really nice and smooth to me.  The sound effects you had for everything felt great as well.  Overall, really good game!  Well done!

Great game!  I managed to get all the way to 40.  Even though they were so simple the graphics felt really nice!  They were just so clean and polished looking.  Pressing the button felt satisfying and really well done for he juiciness of the game, though it was a shame I couldn't the the sound effect of pressing it when the music got loud.  Overall I thought this was a great game, though.  Well done!

Ayy, got a 600.  I don't know whether that's good or not, but it felt like a pretty good score to me!

Anyways, I thought it was great game!  I like how you chose to challenge yourself by making a simple game in as short a time frame as you could with specific goals in mind.  My "simple" game goals usually end in failure, haha.   But yeah, I'd say you deserve a pat on the back!  The feedback given whenever you time things perfectly was indeed pretty satisfying, and the graphics were really nice as well!  I will admit that it was challenging enough that I didn't exactly feel "relaxed" while playing, but that still wasn't all that much of a problem.  The game was fun despite being so simple.  Well done!

Hello and thank you for the feedback!  Glad to hear you had fun, despite the unforgiving gameplay.

Thank you!  Glad you liked it!