Hi! I have been anticipating this game for the 2 years of you guys developing it. And I kind of have an issue with optimization which dosen't make the game unplayable but is SUPER ANNYOYING at times. I have an RX570 graphics card and an i5-10400f CPU on 8gb ram that can run most heavy games on medium graphics and not too heavy but not too light games on high. I don't know why but every now and then the game my character just decides to snap into a random direction like behind me or up or down at the floor, despite me not even moving my mouse the main reason it annoys me cause I get turned around at times and have no idea where I'm going cause it just snaps and it dosen't smoothly turn my head into a random direction. I hope you can fix the issue since its really ruining my experience. I don't know if any other people are experiencing the same issue but hope I can get an update that will stop this issue. Thanks in advance if you manage to fix it.