I really liked the game but I have some small things I feel you could've improved / can improve after (bigger things) if you want to continue it:
- There could be a little bit of fog to distinguish platforms from each other, not a big thing
- If you just spun in circles you could avoid all enemy attacks which defeated the difficulty, also at that point, it was a bit sad that I couldn't finish every level with 0 death count (because of high platforms). This could be fixed by adding hard parkour for non-double-jump players and having different variation in enemies to alleviate the easy-to-use spin tactic
- The music wasn't repetitive and the sound effects worked well
- The game was fun to play and with a bit of tuning to the movement system it could feel really great to play (I sometimes also felt like my sword should've hit but it didn't)
- The graphics are really great in the game and I like the colours, maybe a bit more vibrant green but that is a small nitpick
- It was on topic and I liked how failure was progress, even though it was a bit forced sometimes
- I appreciate the enemies having facial effects when you hit them and your sword changing form every time it becomes better
- The dash felt pretty good combined with the double jump
- All of the levels looked the same and a bit of colour changing could've gone a long way
All and all a great jam game made in 3 days