Day 1
I've got most of the game components roughed-out. The player handling, the basics for the endless-runner controller, basic save system(your pickups (scrap/cash), which are used for upgrades, will carry over. plus record distance is saved as well) 3 enemy types, and ramps! (which takes me back to this old NES game, Bump N Jump. I just had to have ramps). Also, have music almost finished.
Still to do
- The level controller right now just randomly spits out stuff in kind of a random location. I'm going to create a series of patterns that it will use so it looks a little more hand-crafted.
- I've got pickups which at the moment are just created by the level controller. Need to add in them dropping after enemies are destroyed. Also something to spend the pickups on! I plan to have an "upgrade" screen after each death so you can spend your scrap/cash you collected to upgrade weapons/car/hats(?)
- Make it pretty! Right now I'm only planning to have time to create sprites for the player, the 3 enemies and a single level skin (wasteland desert). If I have time, I'll try for more.
- Sound effects.
- There was other stuff that I've since forgotten since writing this. I'm sure they'll come to me in the far future.
A quick capture of the game so far. Going to spend the rest of the night working on pixels because it's ugly to look at right now (plus most things on the screen do not read well at the moment - especially bullets!)