A few things:
There are only 2 SCPs, please put SCP-173 and SCP-096 if you already put SCP-682 in it, and for research put the cage which can contain SCP-173 and Scramble Goggles for SCP-096. Put more SCPs in it aswell as Safe class SCPs.
About the funds, can you add something more than just "click to get fund", I actually don't know how the Foundation gets their funds but that they get funded by nations. And that you also must buy equipment for your team.
About research, I suggest you can put special containment items like as I said the cage and Scramble Goggles, also weapons. Like that high-tech laserbeam in SCP:SL. You can also research sorts of MTF and eventually lead to the existence of the Chaos Insurgency!
About the breach precentages, that if the precentage is too high that multiple breach occurs, even the % is low, that maybe, just maybe 1 breach will happen.
About the event logs, my event logs got a little bit full after these breaches, I can't click them away, and I accidentally sended some field agents to the already responded events, so they were wasted. So my suggestion is that after it's cleared, make it a different colour/make that we are able to click it away.
Oh and not only breaches, also attacks by Chaos Insurgents, Serpent's Hand, Global Occult Coaltion etc. will be cool too.
That's all for now.