Nice game, it has nice visuals (at the graphical build), the lights are... original. The grain effect also made thee game look cool. Overlapping bricks made it cool for me.
Now for the gameplay itself. Its a platformer with boosted up movement, gravity, and with a double jump effect. It's fun playing around with those mechanics, but those platforms were a little bit too close/small to land on those. Level 2 took me enough time, that I had enough and quit at level 3, sorry Muffan.
You used narratives. Narratives make me go yes. Even those are text to speech, which is a alternative to people who dont want to voice reveal, or just didn't have enough time to do those, since text to speech does it perfeclty first attempt. Voicelines of it were created pretty creatively, although the sounds of thee game made those go a bit quiet.
I am sad that the game didnt have a option to quit the game, i had to ALT+F4 out of it. Another thing is, when youre laying down on two sides of cubes, the hitting ground sounds were too frequent, perhaps adding a simple cooldown would fix it.
Overall, personally I had fun time playing this game, congratulations on it.
Good idea, good execution.