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A member registered Mar 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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sus die chain

Thanks for staying sussy

cool gaem i aproove nice code i see

very ncie game i had a lot of fun playing it you should remake it in the ffuture with more commands to get more hacker style

This got me thinking. Excited to see your game :)

I am really sorry, set the starting jam's time to when I was sleeeping. I just woke up, and prepared the theme. Good luck!

I am really sorry, set the starting jam's time to when I was sleeeping. I just woke up, and prepared the theme. Good luck!


Sadly, we don't have a discord for this game jam, the reason is because this jam is very small. There's a person who made another post who was looking for someone to do the game with, he is a programmer. You can ask him :D

mind giving me those times? and ty

Glad you enjoyed the game!

Thanks for those tutorials, ill surely check those out. It was still my first game so i think its still atleast OK lol

Yeah, REALLY SORRY for making a game short, but i got demotivated 3 times at the level design, I would surely makee this game longer tho. Flags were blurry because it was my first time actually trying to create a pixel art of any sort... and I didnt think out the sizing correctly. For sounds, i used SFXR to create the jump sound, bbecause it was the most okay for me. And since I didnt have any other ideas for sounds, it had to be enough. I actually plan on making this game a full release with actual narratives and stuff. Thank you for the kind words though! :D

So starting out with the game you see amazing main menu, in terms of graphics.

Then you start out on a tutorial with amazing visuals, and platform designs as for ONLY 3 DAYS.

The story is about someone stuck in a dream, telling someone how it looked like, and what did he do in it. We are a person listening to his words, and playing his dream. I could take an interpretation of us thinking in our heads how did the dream look like, since we got interested in it.

The movement got a bit wacky at points, but it was okay. The mouse sensitivity was big at the start, glad you did a options menu lol!

Fight is cool, hard, with nice looking enemies.

I cannot really tell anything else for this game other than: Amazing visuals, level design. Incredible story. Fight system was okay. WOWIEE!

Nice game, it has nice visuals (at the graphical build), the lights are... original. The grain effect also made thee game look cool. Overlapping bricks made it cool for me.

Now for the gameplay itself. Its a platformer with boosted up movement, gravity, and with a double jump effect. It's fun playing around with those mechanics, but those platforms were a little bit too close/small to land on those. Level 2 took me enough time, that I had enough and quit at level 3, sorry Muffan.

You used narratives. Narratives make me go yes. Even those are text to speech, which is a alternative to people who dont want to voice reveal, or just didn't have enough time to do those, since text to speech does it perfeclty first attempt. Voicelines of it were created pretty creatively, although the sounds of thee game made those go a bit quiet.

I am sad that the game didnt have  a option to quit the game, i had to ALT+F4 out of it. Another thing is, when youre laying down on two sides of cubes, the hitting ground sounds were too frequent, perhaps adding a simple cooldown would fix it.

Overall, personally I had fun time playing this game, congratulations on it.

Good idea, good execution.

Short Review: Hard, graphics good, game for brains that are smarter than me (because i'm very dumb)

Long(-ish?) Review:

This game, it had a clear tutorial, with some explanation of stuff, tho I had to figure it out myself that if i walk onto a button I kill myself, because thats how you summon a ghost to do stuff for you. The gun knock is pretty fun, i liked just spamming the down arrow so i can fly. Fourth level is when the stairs started to come, because I couldnt get to a platform, but I found out if i hold up arrow more then I can get there? Maybe some sort of an analog, cannot really tell. That doesn't really matter though, as the cool pixelart graphics that made the game look kinda older, aswell as the game resolution. Also I found a bug? I don't know if its a bug, but when you hold a crate, and press the down arrow for an example, and then your ghost does the same thing but he doesnt havee the crate, he can fly. You can probably use that for some extreme puzzles. But maybe they already were later in the game? I just couldn't go further, so I cannot say much about the game. Sounds. I am not a sound connoseiur, but they felt nice for me, and connected with the game's graphics in my honest opinion. This game was fun, had it's hard parts, one of which made me rage quit. But goood job making this game dude!

please continue this game. I beg you. I am begging on my knees. I want more stuff. I NEED MORE STUFF GOD I NEED THIS GAME MORE

So lets start with:

THE DESIGN!!  UIlooks fire, aswell with the entire game design, heads, response texts, it all feels like it has been professionally thinked about.

Now for the main game loop: I'm personally not a huge fan of the topic of "select text-games", but this game had its own pluses, such as the comedy parts hidden in it, and each personality for interviewers.

Note i didn't beat the entire game, tried 2 times, and then just started to click random answers, none worked.

Game's team made this long by making threee different personalities, each one requiring different types of answers, it made not boring, more like infurating that SOMEOONE DOESNT LIKE WHAT I DO EACH TIME!!!!!! ... ... ... sorry... anyways.. 

Good game idea, good execution. What else do you need from a jam game?


This game felt a lot like QWOP, which I didn't even be able to get 50 m on lol!

The idea of selecting ragdoll's moves by clicking your brain's lodes is very original.

I felt like this game is a bit of RNG, selecting correct moves can probably take a long time, i was closee to the ramp but i fell miserably.

Good idea, good execution, me = bad gamer. That's it

Thank you for reading this, amazing job.

I have some things to tell about this game, so let me start from the top.

The aesthetics of the game look nice. The movement felt good, but the map wasn't enough to use all aspects for me. You can double jump to some platforms, but i didnt feel any way to actually use the wallruns. The game is cool, but when the game was for speed, hiding because 60s pentalty is not that ok imo.

Post-processing, aswell with the visuals theyself, are good.

But good work with it

I have no idea what else to write, pleaesee leave


What do I even start for with this one..

  • The first run of this game was amazing, even though it was just like 1 minute of the gameplay, it felt so nice, I looooveed it.
  • The game's performance wasn't that good for me? (maybe because i dont have a god damn GPU!!!)
  • I noticed you took some inspirations from games such as: The Stanley Parable (youre a man of culture aswell i see?), and also Sam Hogan's Wowie Jam 2.0 game. I have nothing against it, as you put a lot of your own stuff, and it executed amazing for the game's experience.
  • The player's model was a bit weird experience, since i just looked down and saw my player close to T-posing, and just sliding around if I were able to slide while standing haha.
  • The doors felt a bit odd.
  • Lighting was a bit too bright for me, but it didn't make that big difference.
  • The fact you made this in Godot, where 3D game development (from what I've heard) isn't that good, is just amazing. I wonder how you were able to create those stuff with just 3 days, and Godot.
  • The console parts were very yes for me, I am a huge fan of those stuff.

The narrator voice-lines were amazing, and I've found huge inspirations from Sam Hogan there. It's always amazing for me to see those though! Now, for the win room part. I don't actually know, if this was supposed to be like this or not, but the ESC key didn't do anything for me, but it paid back with its cool ending, where you walk through the doors, and the game crashes and displays you an error. Huge good job with those! My 90% of spending the time on this game were positive, I don't stay that positive when playing such games. That means you did a really great job! 

Truly amazing. Congratulations.

This game was... hard? Yeah i can say that. The movement didntt stop when i didnt press the key anymore, so that made me always go to a red box. Sorry i couldnt go to the ending, but i'm not an epic gamer myself. Anyways, pretty good idea execution.

Fun game, where you are the opponent, and you really wan't to lose. The only things i miss about this game is that the beginning story was a little too long. Art, same as music, feel amazing though! Good job making this game.

Nice game! Cool art, although the robot's voice was a bit hard to understand.

The Stanley Parable was originally thee game i wanted to take as much inspiration as i can lol. About visuals, eeven in school i cannot do arts well, so basic shapes were the way to go. I am sttill proud of the flag since it was my first pixel art ever! :D

Thank you so much hooch for those positive words! I took your suggestions in my mind, maybe i will be able to make a even larger version of it soon! Glad you enjoyed it. 


interesting game, but there is a bit of things that thee game misses

- a last score and high score shower whenever you die

- maybee a dash ability? the game gets intense at around 100

other than that its super fun and addictivee