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I hate to say it but I don't think there is much of a game here.

I was able to beat the game but I can't help but look back a little confused. Somehow I glitched four carrots out of the two holes instead of the usual two.  Despite that, that is the least of your problems.

To begin with, the game is very lacking. There is very, very little to do. The game has a lot of empty possibility space and so little to do that it all comes down to walking between three basic tasks. All you have to do is just bomb a "zombie hater," grow some carrots, trade for bombs, and that is it.

The premise for the game is very weird and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Sure, lots of games out there have plots that make zero to little sense but at least they are engaging in some way. 

I'm not sure what happened during development but I think what happened was that you had an idea for a much bigger game but you didn't have time to fix all the bugs or add everything you wanted so you ended up cutting out a lot of content. We all have to make sacrifices during development (me and everyone else in this jam included) but it looks like you took a harder hit.

If I have any suggestions for you for any game jams in the future, I would say this... It is not always bad to keep games simple, but it can be bad to have no depth. Keep you premise simple, your scope small, expand on it, and polish it through.

yaeh you're right, the game is nothing like i imagined it to be. i joined the jam a little late and almost didn't upload it before submissions were up because i had trouble exporting the game. it was my first gamejam, but it was a hell of an experience, so i think i know what to do and not to do next gamejam i join. thanks for your comment :)