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(1 edit)

Neat idea and lovely 3D art. Comfy atmosphere. A rare case of slow movement speed that I don't particularly mind.

I think the puzzles could benefit from a subtle glow around object that can be interacted with when you're in tongue mode.

If you're planning to expand on the idea, I recommend adding some sort of fast-travel system to various locations around the rooms of the house.

(1 edit) (+1)

Saluton and thank you for your feedback !
I was a bit concerned about the slowliness so your comment is much appreciated.

I'll definitely add a hint for the interactable objects on a future update 👌

I will expand it (if I manage to get better physics...) but I plan to do short chapters with different pets like snake, frog, tarentula, gecko...

Different critters their own play styles and abilities sounds like a really fun approach.