This is graphically amazing, that low-poly 3D pixelated look works amazingly well, and does help a lot to the mysterious atmosphere of the game, now I want to play a whole game with those visuals! Also, when I realized I could make my little friends follow me or stop, I was immeditely reminded of some of my favourite games, the Oddworld series for the PS1. I did feel like I didnt need to use those orders that much, tho.
Judging by the other comments, I feel like you're probably already aware of what the main issue of the game is: when traversing the world, falling off is just too hard to avoid right now, mainly because is really hard to distinguish between the floor and the void. Maybe a subtle color change, or even just changing the constrast between colors a little bit, could fix this. I'm confident solving this little thing can make your game a rather enjoyable experience and remove some of the frustration.
With all that said, this is still and amazing entry, with gorgeous visuals and very nice idea, great job!