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A member registered Feb 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Simple gameplay, but very entertaining and fun at the same time. The challenge of waiting to load the squares and take care of the plants works in an appealing way. The gameplay has several things that make it stand out and how a simple function can escalate to the point of becoming an addictive challenge.

The style also happens to be simple but appropriate for the theme of the game.

Excellent work!

The whole style is simple and exciting, the combinations that are generated are special and make the gameplay unique and require great strategy. Likewise, the sound effects, lighting and color palette work wonders.

Excellent gameplay and development!

Great job!

The environment will be just a layout, but it works perfectly! The challenges of each room are entertaining and with their respective difficulty. The story and the context of the game is excellent with the theme that develops. All of this goes hand in hand with its simple yet immersive gameplay.

A tip would be to put a tutorial that mentions the controls of the game and also a small change of interface at the beginning. For the rest, the game works perfectly!

Great job!

An excellent idea with a functional mechanic and entertaining theme. The way the levels are developed is interesting, as well as the combinations that can be made. The only drawback is in level 5 because the goal box asks for a purple slime, but when you put all the slimes together a blue one is formed and does not allow you to finish the level.

Anyway, the game is interesting and simple, the combinations that can be formed with the slimes is its strongest point, as well as to make a strategy to put them together.

Excellent work!

Excellent, amazing and entertaining game! This game contains many aspects that demonstrate its innovation and potential for further development in the future. The mechanics are similar to a chess game, but adding the possibility of combining resources and character moves makes it even more interesting and fun. It simply has it all:

A new way to play with strategy, without forgetting the whole concept and game art that is equally simple, but original and appealing at the same time!

Great job, it truly fulfills the theme of "Strong together" to a level that I could not have imagined!!!!

Simple art, smooth animation, fast development but closing the story, excellent atmosphere. It's amazing what can be achieved in a simple idea but with an entertaining story development. This game has great potential, I imagined that after using the gym, the blue cube would become so big that it would break everything in its path, or that when it gets home, it would go to sleep and that would give it the ability to jump even higher and go over a large part of the map. But, despite that, it is not all that it promises.

Congratulations on creating your second game jam and developing this fast and fun story!

Keep up the good work!

It is truly a new way to play, using a stock market and investment concept is something that is rarely seen in order to concentrate on the theme of "stronger together". Excellent innovation and gameplay, we have never seen anything like this before.

Maybe the game will become more entertaining with a much more developed interface, but it is an idea for the future that I would love to see completed.

A great idea that turns out to be attractive and original.

Good luck and keep up the good work!!!!

A simple but entertaining cooperative. Something that could help the development of the game is to place from the home screen, the controls of each character. Also it would not be bad to interact more with the environment (for example, with the walls of the room, which also function as a point of support) and thus have more room for development for the players.
Excellent idea of how to combine different skills to overcome levels and how to compensate them. Certainly has great potential to become a cooperative game that is both entertaining and cause mischief among players.

A good game always has a bit of both.

Excellent work!!!!!

The mechanics are simple but it works perfectly! The way in which the elements of each character are handled (such as the life bars) are excellent with the type of game. The background music is a great element to keep the player alert. Also, great way to implement the "Stronger togheter" in the game, I love the idea of how you have to stay with the survivor for a while instead of being immediate. It certainly adds tension to the game.

Great job!!!!

Oh wow! Thank you so much! We def put our hearts and souls onto the graphics! Mostly because I wanted to try this 3D pixelated effect, this was my first time trying that way of rendering cameras, so it really means a lot that the graphics were the thing that worked perfectly! 

And just reading that you would play more games like that... it inspires and motivates me to keep trying more games! Because I do have more ideas and art styles to try with this 3d Pixelated effect, thank you so much for that <3

And yes! I've read all the comments and Im already working on fixing a lot of things! The map and light especially, I actually read a lot of good ideas to implement! so Im excited to try all of those! A color change for the map would work too! Overall the map needs a good polish.

To be honest, I do like to frustrate my players a bit lmao, of course not to the point to make everyone mad, now I know that I still have to learn how  to make games balanced between frustration and fun :) its all about the user experience after all! 

Thank you so much for your feedback <3 for playing the game and for your kind words :') 

This really means and helps a lot! 

Thank you so much for playing!! 

Yes! The game was meant to be hard, but not that _hard_

We are working on fixing a lot of things, thank you so much for playing and for your comment :) <3

(1 edit)

Thank you so much :D 

We are working on the lights and the map!  Hopefully the experience will improve! 

Thank you so much for playing and for your feedback <3

Cool game! The color palette is lovely!  well done with the color selection :)

And oof, the mechanics are smart! Definetly adds to the whole gameplay experience.

Such an original game <3 Nice work! 

Hi! I've played this for a while, ts a solid game!

The visuals are not appealing, saturated colors dont always work for a GUI! I've already seen comments pointing that out, so Im not going too deep on that.

Characters look good, maybe consider adding some animations for them in the future? 

Some sfx are too loud, but other than that,  the sound design works!

I liked a lot that you inlcuded a lot of settings for the user at the beggining! Nice work!  

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! 

I do wish I had more time to test it,  but the game was made for a game jam afterall and time is not always our best ally hahah

Im already working on making it  a better experience cuz we want to release it on a bigger platform, like steam :) 

And again, thank you so much for playing and for the comment <3 

:'D thanks so much! YOU are awesome! 

Thank you so much!!! c:

(1 edit)

Wow!! Thanks for the playthrough:'D and thank you so much for playing <3 It really means a lot <3

Thank you so much!! C: 

This is an intersting game! Pokemon but make it hacker-like

The animations are so cool! and the assets are so well done! I would recommend to change the GUI so it matches a bit more with the art of the style of the computers. 

And I agree with the comments here! The game does not fit the theme

But its a nice work anyways, so well done! 

(1 edit)

I love the idea! 

I would recommend to work on some shaders for the game! Default 3D unity materials work, but I see a lot of potential here! Adding some work to the art could attract a lot more users! 

Other than that, the mechanics are pretty nice implemented! And the idea is super original, I havent seen a theme like this on the Jam 

Grat work! :D

Hi! The GUI could do a polish, the default unity buttons work! but you already have a good art style in game! so why not match the GUI with the rest of the game

The idea is cool! and the controls feel smooth, you are going the right way! 

(1 edit)

The visuals are beautiful! Well done with that :D  I enjoyed a lot! 

Great project! 

Oop, sorry to hear that! Thanks for the comment :)

Thank you!!! <3

Thank you so much :D Im gonna change a bit the part of the lights, instead of just increasing intensity, Im gonna increase range. Also the map could do some polish! No more troublesome edges! 

I haven't considered that about the dialogues, you know! Thanks for the idea, maybe some color labels that match the souls texture?

Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback! :)

Ahhh! What a beautiful experience, the art is perfect and the sound desgin too, the melody is so heart warming <3  Plus, I love the writting and the animations are smooth and calming.

I hope to see a lot more of your projects :D

This is def one of the most original and creative games on the Jam <3 

Oof! The levels are so smart! 

What an interesting puzzle, the camera position is unusual but it works really well! 

The art style is cool! Im liking a lot the monkes you created. 

 Im really glad I found this game! 

OOOH! the whole games feel like a cinematic scene! 

I just love the art work on this one, what a beautiful colors, characters and scene! 

Also, sound design is perfect <3 

The camera feels a little weird sometimes, and maybe its just me but I  would like to change the 'z' to a mouse click maybe! heh 

Other than that, I cant believe you made this in a week! You are so talented,  what a cool game :D 

This is a cool project! Instructions could be a bit more clear, but gameplay is really fun and dinamic! 

It also reminds me of an arcade game, even the art style matches! Talking about the art style, the characters are cute! the eyes make them lovely! so nice touch there :D 

Also, lighting and overall colors used work so well!  

Nice job!Give this project a good polish and you'll have a really creative game <3 

Thank you so much!! that means a lot :') 

They can mean a lot of things! But, in the game those are lost souls! They are trapped in this limbo-like place, where the exit is only reacheable  if you have a light! 

For me tho, they can also represent someone that feels in a dark place in their life and the only thing they need is a bit more light to know they are not alone <3  

Oh no D: do you have a discord? I can send you a 32 built if you want :D 

Thank you so much for playing! Im gonna add a gamma slider so the visibility can be adjusted, hopefully this will make it easier to see those troublemaker edges! 

Thanks for this positive feedback :D <3

RIP to those guys! lmao dont worry! I will make it more user friendly and easier to navigate :) 

And thank you so much for playing!<3 Our sound designer really did a great job! 

Thank you so much! We are def not done exploiting the 3D pixelated effet! 

Thats a nice idea! instead of just increasing intensity, range could work better. And also yes! I need to check the spawner points of those guys! I hope it wasnt too frustrating! 

Thank you so much for playing and for this feedback :) it means a lot! 

Thank you!! :D I like yours as well! 

Oh wow! Thank you so muhc for playing it on your vid!! :D I can already see a lot of things to fix, so thank you so much for the feedback :) 

And yes! hahah we need to polish it so it doesnt feel too frsutrating having more companions! 

Its a fun platformer :D I love the assets <3 the animation when the pig is shooting the minigun  is the best lmao I love his tiny sun glasses.

All the characters are so cool, the background could do more style, but other than that, the art design overall is great!.  And the writting of the dialogues are so creative, plus nice music selection! 

As for the gameplay, I was craving some checkpoints haha. The enemies are challenging and great, they actually feel like another person is controlling them :O nice job writting the AIs!