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I want to first point out how on-topic the idea of virtual workers are, that's something I've never seen before. Nowadays we really do have tons of people working remotely where they can still have huge output and well.........take up only 1 square. Pretty clever mechanic :)

One thing I liked about this game is the pacing of upgrades. While I did play it fairly idle, what I mean by that is that I have time to look at and understand the research options and what they will do. Sometimes incrementals upgrades can get too hard to parse, but here I had time to understand them and make a clear decision on what I wanted to do.

The economy is well done. There is enough teeter tottering between which ones you need that you have to do the balancing act often, and that's engaging. I would've liked to see some more mechanics that forced me to reconsider my layout. I mostly just stuck to the layout I had since the beginning, with the exception of plopping down a server.

I ended up playing this one for a pretty long time, partially because the pacing is slow. I didn't mind this considering there are many other jam games to review in between upgrade sessions.