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(1 edit)

This was the first game I had made and finished in nearly 3 years, so I was definitely rusty haha.  I didn't start until mid way through Saturday, so I lost a day because of my laziness. I feel like if I had started on the Friday, I would've been able to of made proper songs for the game and add some funny sound effects... I wanted to also have multiple different scenarios  for each character to add a bit of replay value to it but had to re-adjust the scope on Sunday night which was a smart move in the end. I definitely wouldn't of been rushing around at the last minute trying to export the damn thing! 

Overall though I had so much fun making the game and I'm itching to make some more. It was also great getting a friend of mine; whose an amazing artist by the way, to make the stupidest looking people for my dumb game haha.

If you wanna check out the game, I'd really appreciate it: