For this update and 0.3 I felt I was so engulfed in Chapter 1 that I missed quite a bit in the prologue. I'm fairly certain I started a second read back in 0.3 but never finished it again.
This was added back in 0.3 but I finally found the connective tissue between Chapter 1 and the Prologue. It outright confirms a theory I had about Alessia basically from the start. Now I wait for the a similar revelation about Bitey. I got more excited than I needed to when I saw Shax mention logic puzzles, mysteries. and straight up crime fiction. He's baby Bitey. I want to believe.
Other fun discoveries in the prologue this time around include:

Which Admittedly was also in 0.3. I no longer have my copy of 0.2 so I can't verify if this was added in the last two updates or not.
As for Chapter 1 the new sprites help.
Bitey and Bernardo have a much more palpable dynamic from their first interaction which I don't recall from 0.3. It could also be other aspects of the presentation, I don't remember there being such goofy detective music during that scene.
I'm admittedly bad at mysteries but I'm holding to my theory regarding the only sprited human abbot as culprit. Admittedly there might be a line which brings his motivations into question early in chapter 1 but as I said I'm bad at mysteries. Although now that I think about it I do feel another character's alibi might be difficult to definitively confirm.
Not that I think this necessarily helps confirm a new readers' theories or even serves as a good redherring but it would be nice having some confirmation as to which church some of the other abbots belong to. On my last re-read of Chapter 1 (I read from the update till the end, then all of it in its entirety so far) I found myself toying with the idea of the other abbots as accomplices and using the loosely defined connections between certain churches (Smed and Noch, Temp and Cnaw, Erde and Fyre) as a possible motive. I remember trying to figure out which abbot might belong to which church based off the order and description of the sculptures of the Seven when Bitey and Alessia enter the scriptorium.
Oh, the flashback to the prologue in the middle of Chapter One. This is perhaps taking some of the hidden messages in the backlog as literal, when I should be approaching them with more skepticism. Its possible that conversation could have taken place during the battle against the angels rather than before. If Neru Magus(?)'s editorializing is to be taken at face value, that isn't completely out of the realm of possibility.
This update was incredibly fun with lots more fuel to create obviously incorrect theories about.
I look forward to my upcoming most painful re-read where I open the backlog after every single line of dialogue expecting more hidden messages. I get the feeling this mechanic will return eventually.