Oh shit, you're right, I could have added all the AI players. I'm going to go ahead and do this. While I chug balls at this sort of game, I don't find them uninteresting.
I'm an art branelet as well. Art branelet broooos!
Long live art brainlets! If you try out the demo mode be careful you don't add too many AI players. I haven't added any restriction on player count yet and my lazy code for separation between AI capitals might cause them not to be able to find a spot to place the first city, which freezes the game iirc. On small sized map I found that 4 AI players is good and at a max speed setting they can take over the map in a few minutes. Low FPS during the massive endgame firestorm is to be expected, I optimized it as much as I could but still have to balance how much fire spreads by quite a bit.
Thought I fixed that but I guess the UI still gets confused when only AI players are in game, to remove the fog of war spotlight the game can be set to Sandbox game mode, in Default game mode the Capitals and Radar structures are used to reveal the map with a tech tree element to increase the range of revealed map, as well as how far you can zoom out.