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Pretty good game. The voice acting is passable but nothing amazing, as expected of a free game, but I feel the timer in the upper right hand corner doesn't give you much info on what it is measuring, I now know days. One time it went down by me exploring an area, and none of the text provided said anything about a length of time around the time of a day passing. Also, said timer said nothing about a complete gameplay shift happening after act 2, so I was ill prepared to suddenly transition into a strategy game after the visual novel that it was previously.

so the timer goes down every time u sleep or do a signifigant action... i believe.

That feels a bit... Arbitrary. Like I can sleep for 2 weeks in Act 1, or I can explore the swamp for 2 days. I guess it make some semblance of sense, what with you spending time doing things increasing the people's awareness of you, but still a bit arbitrary.