Good job there was the content warning, I was not ready for all that hand-holding.
I knew I was going to enjoy Meeting In The Flesh the moment I read the description, but wow! The art and the writing wonderfully combine grotesque body horror with a wholesome atmosphere and beautiful scenery. Every relationship feels natural, within moments of meeting everybody I felt an immediate sense of fondness and familiarity with each of them. Yiestol was my favourite (never thought I'd ever enjoy vore) but each of the suitors routes were a joy to playthrough; it's so nice to have every route be such a positive experience, even if I didn't choose to pursue a romance. I adored all of the world-building details, and it would be great to read more stories set in this world. The music was also amazing, ambient and emotional in every scene.
This is my perfect romance visual novel. Heck it's my perfect romance story in general, thank you so much for creating such an incredible experience.
P.S. How do you make big bees so cute? I've never been that keen on bees but now I really want to pet a big bee!