Hi! I sincerely apologise for the misleading nature of how I deliver updates without explaining where the work in progress roadblocks are. Unfortunately there aren't any means to leave the prison complex aside from having a bad ending in the Swamp for now. The phone cannot be unlocked as for now. The next update will contain more areas and asset updates.
I will take into account your critique and add very clear notes during gameplay of where the player reaches the limits of what's currently available. The game has no goals that can be achieved as of now.
I hope I haven't worn out your patience with this piece of unfinished game. I appreciate some aspects of the experience were a bit more enjoyable. I realise it was too early to actually update the game, I might have been pressured to do it regardless. This update contains mostly the groundwork for many new mechanics I intend to take advantage of later on, it's also been about making the project capable of welcoming help from assistant programmers with an intelligible and flexible code, which is something I lacked of when starting this.
Thank you for your feedback