The game is good.I don't know what else there is to say.
My suggestions
1) (probably if I haven't suggested that it would eventually be done) character customization, maybe you do want to keep random stats, but I'd like to be able to edit at least appearance of my character, but in my case the more you can chose yourself the better.
2) If you tinker with it the game could have a lil' more horror aspect to it and I'm all for it(we already have humanoid abominations, small and annoying homunculi, goats that rather won't be sacrificed in demonic ritual but will sacrifice you instead, creepy shop keepers, hellish dungeon type and the main feature - the fog which hides all the horrors lurking in dark with only thing that makes you feel safer is a lantern which needs constant fuel and equipment which might break at any moment, really why stop here?)!
3)Unique named items? They would have unique properties, look and name (name and properties could be rng). Maybe in addition to that add, books or something that could tell lore so that these items could be mentioned in there.
4)Enchantment upgrade + spell = predefined enchantment. Example {Enchantment upgrade + heal = heal enchantment / heal enchantment + shield = shield which restores some hp on successful parry} also enchantments should have predefined power so that it would scale from intelligence only during creation, but after it is put on equipment it should have independent power.
Exploit of the comment:
You learn buff spell which increases your intelligence, any other spell and from 1 to maybe 3 potions which restore your mana. You see where I'm going? For example {buff + mana potions + summon weapon = op weapon which kills everything 1 hit and has no weight}