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Hello again,

I`ve just upload my first project here for the Micro-Gamebook Jam -

I hope everythin is according the rules and if something should be edited please let me know. I have time do edit it.

Thank you!

I played it last night. It is my favourite out of the 3 submitted so far.

It is actually surprising how completely different the three adventures are so far both from each other and from mine. Yours is the closest to mine in that we both have combat but mine is a different genre, does not have the visual element yours has but has something else instead.

WoW, really!? Thank you very much. I am happy that those 3 adventures, sent so far are so different because the diversity will make the jam more interesting for the public. I have no patience now to play your adventure. :)

I haven't submitted mine yet, as I keep coming up with improvements. Like yours, it can be completed in half an hour.

It will be interesting to see how different the adventures not yet submitted will be from each other.