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First, let me just say that I like the idea here and overall it's already better quality than I would typically expect. That said, here are some constructive criticisms:

- The main description for the game should clearly note that the in-browser/WebGL version is way out of date. There's no sense having anyone new misunderstand it as being representative of the latest progress, or spend a bunch of time in there trying to find content that doesn't exist. It was only by reading other peoples' comments about things that didn't seem to show up in the WebGL version that I got clued into the difference.

Speaking of 0.3.2 now:

- There are a lot of glitches with loading character graphics. In various story interactions (erotic scenes, Cece in forest, etc) the character being interacted with failed to show up around half the time. I had to go keeping going out to Gallery to see what I missed. I understand that various bugs are bound to exist with in-development stuff, but this might need some priority because of how often it seems to occur and the poor impression it makes.

- Is the intent for the player to just keep randomly visiting every single location day after day after day hoping something new happens? I had zero reason to visit Poe's shop but just randomly going into it revealed a little quest about a potion. I had no reason to keep going to my room in the house, but randomly one time going through the hallway triggered a bath scene for Cece. There's seemingly no reason to go to the forest, but doing so some time after advancing your first breeder rank or paying you first due (still not sure which) triggers the Elf stuff.

But with things being so hidden, I never know if I'm missing something that can be triggered or if there's nothing left (or not implemented yet). There's apparently Rika stuff but I have no idea what triggers that (I never see her outside of a few story scenes with multiple characters). Is there more Elf stuff after the point of getting a breeding volunteer? I can donate new elves back but no idea what that does. (Is there a hidden count I have to hit?) I can visit their forest but nothing ever seems to be there. I see comments mentioning something to do with Elizabeth and a lighthouse, but again until I stumble over it randomly I have no idea. Do these additional things depend on primarily on advancing breeder rank? I don't know.

- Is it possible for males to be born from breeding? I only ever seem to get females. Or am I unlucky? Or is it a higher breeder rank thing? It's unclear but seems a fairly important question to the gameplay.


Answering some of my own questions (and some further constructive criticism).

- Possible for males to be born? Yes. It's just that you must use a male of the desired species to do that breeding. While I can see why things are implemented this way (it's probably the most simple way), it feels a bit weird in contrast to any assumptions one might have coming from reality. In game for example CatBoy + DogGirl can only ever yield a CatBoy or a DogGirl. Why not the other specifies-gender combinations of DogBoy or CatGirl? Where this tripped me up was MainCharacter + CatGirl only yields CatGirls, but then I tried CatBoy + CatGirl and happened to get only CatGirls the first few times - so based on the evidence that far - breeding only yields girls.

I think it would be nice if there was like a "Beginners Guide to Breeding" book in the house or maybe an extra dialog option from Talia once males start showing up to just explain how it works.

- I found the Rika stuff, but triggering the shower scene to kick it off seems entirely random chance. And since it's in the house where you don't need to visit if you just use the time skip button, a player could spend hours doing the breeding stuff and never stumble into it. Seems like one would want to make the content a bit more discoverable.

- I still have a couple scenes in the gallery that I never unlocked. Breeder rank A and much time spent clicking through all the locations in the game. With the game giving no hints as to what characters they're with or what locations I need to go so, at this point it has simply exhausted my motivation to find them. That's presumably not what you want the game to feel like.