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A member registered Feb 14, 2021

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Why does everything cost 1000? Am I missing something or am I really supposed to repetitively do the same blowjob over and over for the next half hour to barely earn enough money for the first purchase to open up even a slight bit of variety in the game?

Thanks for that video. It helped having confirmed that there's no secret to learn or pattern to recognize. Just gotta dodge. A lot. Like 3-5 dodges per each hit on the boss.

This has a lot of potential. Good job. Though a bit of early feedback:

- It was really not intuitive for me to need to hit jump right as I hit the ground after falling from a long height. Nothing explained this, I discovered it by accidentally pressing random buttons. Furthermore, when you fall and break your legs or whatever then the game just kinda leaves you there paralyzed... can't do anything, but it doesn't take you back to the last save, no you have to load it on your own for some reason.

- Please make the Escape key function the same as Backspace. It really just makes sense that Escape should get out of menus and such.

- The mushroom boss's second phase... damn, _constantly_ attacking? Having failed on it several times now, it's seeming like a bit too much for my reflexes. What, do I need to grind for a bunch of healing mushrooms? No how I prefer to play. And even then, how am I going to do enough damage when it keeps. doing. attacks. with. no. pause.

Honestly I got bored of this after less than a minute. A girl blowing the tip of a dick in response to moving my mouse left and right a ton... nah, I'll go spend my time elsewhere.

Not knowing what to do? - Fine. Not gonna debate that.

But spending 10+ minutes flapping around and not even being sure I'm making progress? - Yeah, that's gonna turn off a lot of people.

The point is that it feels like the player has very little agency in what's going on. Might as well be a slot machine where I can just pull a lever and hope I get the "damage boss" reward. Have you had anyone play-test this at all?

Player skill should trump randomness otherwise it just gets frustrating and people give up, like I did. In the end there are plenty of other games where people can go spend their time instead of yours, so don't give them a reason to think in those terms.

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The birthing boss thing is annoying as hell. I've been flapping here for like 10 minutes. Reflecting most shots doesn't hit anything because the boss just moves out of the way. Very few have been timed right to hit the boss in the face. It really sucks having it be totally up to luck as to whether the boss pops out a shot at the right timing to hit.

And I guess hitting the boss in the face is even the goal since it makes the expression change, but honestly I have no idea. Since there's no health bar or anything, it's hard to tell if I'm actually making progress or how much more I have to do. It's important that the game gives feedback to the player than they're even doing to right thing and not just wasting their time entirely.

I get the feeling there might be potential in this, but as it stands now there doesn't seem to be any real content. Pretty much everything I can click on is "coming soon". Seems a bit premature to show something in this state - doesn't make a great impression for an "erotic" game demo to show no erotic content (besides a single static picture of a nude girl and a guy gripping his junk).

Or maybe I missed something? But this hit the threshold of "I've clicked around a bunch and found nothing, so I'm not going to waste any more time".

I see the potential with this, but there's still lots of work to be done. Also some issues I encountered:

- In VR mode, reaching for my sword with my right hand felt like trying reach across my body and almost go behind my back - cumbersome. I don't want to have to look down and struggle to grab it when surprised by an enemy.

- Also in VR mode, the game would sometimes crash when skeletons attacked me.

- In non-VR mode, I was unable to cast magic at all. The tutorial said to right click or press Q, but neither did anything.

Finally, a personal preference, I wish the game would not open the "Thank you for downloading Iragon!" webpage _every_ time I start it up.

Novel idea, cool. But the gameplay gets a bit repetitive overall. Especially when some battles take a dozen or more rounds (dang healing moths and shield guys). And then random choice of dice + plus low rolls on dice can really screw over the player, especially when one ends up in battles where the enemies can attack many times per round (such as multiple dual-attack guys, or a purple five-attack fly with other flies that get targeted first).

Can someone explain how to be successful with the combat system? After winning the first battle by pure luck it seems, I've lost every battle since then (10 at least). Every time I look at the details in the game and think I've come up with a decent hypothesis about how things work, it ends up failing with the enemy barely surviving or reaching my zone first. The 3 sentence description in the Battle Gameplay graphic up there isn't sufficient. I'm getting exhausted with guess-and-check always ending in failure.

So the trick is, one has to unlock the Nursing step before the skill tree thing lets you unlock the Royal Army step. But to unlock Nursing, you need to have an injured unit. But if you haven't been over-using the stamina of units so as to injure them (I guess that's how it happens) then you don't have the requirement to advance. Not intuitive at all.

On the subject of why people miss the first save point: because the sand literally leads around it. Start game, go up to screen with chest, go up again, following the sand go up a third time, then right. The player has totally gone around the screen with the save point.  Why would they walk out into the water? With that chest on the second screen, their thought is going to be how to go in-land and get to it. There's no compelling reason to go into the water. I didn't even notice it was shallow water that I could walk into.

So a possible adjustment there is to have the sand lead into the screen with the save point without the more obvious path being around it.

The comments here talk like this is good, but I gotta say my first impression wasn't good at all.

First tried practice mode - cool a sword. Then started game - no sword, can only use slide to damage enemies. First few tries in the starter cave - ran out of SP by the second ninja. Oh right, conserve resources. Ok, skip every enemy I can. First ninja is tedious to skip since he doesn't have a predictable movement pattern (unlike pretty much all stealth games) and moves so dang fast. Got to second ninja with most of my SP.  Doesn't seem like I can avoid him. Guess I gotta defeat him. Doesn't go well (wish I had a weapon). Leaves me with little SP left. Get into a room with a green chest in the middle and a bluish chest at the top. Trying to figure out how to get across. Run out of SP in the water and drown. Start over from last (the only) save point? Honestly no, I'm not really having fun.

A punishing game is one thing, but come on, give me a break here. Or maybe this isn't the style of game for me. Oh well, good luck to the developer and those who like this.

Answering some of my own questions (and some further constructive criticism).

- Possible for males to be born? Yes. It's just that you must use a male of the desired species to do that breeding. While I can see why things are implemented this way (it's probably the most simple way), it feels a bit weird in contrast to any assumptions one might have coming from reality. In game for example CatBoy + DogGirl can only ever yield a CatBoy or a DogGirl. Why not the other specifies-gender combinations of DogBoy or CatGirl? Where this tripped me up was MainCharacter + CatGirl only yields CatGirls, but then I tried CatBoy + CatGirl and happened to get only CatGirls the first few times - so based on the evidence that far - breeding only yields girls.

I think it would be nice if there was like a "Beginners Guide to Breeding" book in the house or maybe an extra dialog option from Talia once males start showing up to just explain how it works.

- I found the Rika stuff, but triggering the shower scene to kick it off seems entirely random chance. And since it's in the house where you don't need to visit if you just use the time skip button, a player could spend hours doing the breeding stuff and never stumble into it. Seems like one would want to make the content a bit more discoverable.

- I still have a couple scenes in the gallery that I never unlocked. Breeder rank A and much time spent clicking through all the locations in the game. With the game giving no hints as to what characters they're with or what locations I need to go so, at this point it has simply exhausted my motivation to find them. That's presumably not what you want the game to feel like.

Before you get to the cabbages part, a couple other scenes have to be triggered. I think the first is catching her in the shower, which seems to be just a random chance of happening when passing through the upstairs hallway at night. After that I think there might be another scene in the day in the downstairs part of the house (though I don't remember exactly now).

Overall I like what you're aiming for in this game, and look forward to the future of it.

But I'm not clear on whether/how increasing the arousal of enemies in battle is actually useful. It seems like the player can spend 3-4 turns to get the enemy to the point where they have to a skip a single turn, but all while doing less or no health damage that you otherwise could have. It seems far more effective just to damage health of the enemy (thereby defeating them in probably 3-4 turns or less). So trying to focus on arousal is just simply worse. (Which is unfortunate because the player missed out seeing that mechanic play out more often.)

Because of that, combat becomes very one-dimensional. Just always use the attack with the strongest power. No reason to do anything else (outside of the very few times a player would be trying to capture a monster). So that means a lot of monster girl abilities are redundant/not-worth-using. For example at one point my harpy had 3 attacks that did either 90%, 80%, or 70% power. What's the point of the 80 or 70 if I'm just always going to use the 90?

As a result this also makes Amanita simply worse than the rest of the other types. Lower attackpower, lower speed. And Slime Girl is the next worse, having at least some speed but still lower attack than everything else. I would like to have their variety in my team, but from an effectiveness standpoint it seems all around better to replace with a second cat, harpy, or even cow.

Maybe you have future plans to revise these combat mechanics. I don't know. But if not, then I suggest doing so. While I don't expect particularly in-depth game mechanics in an erotic game, I feel there's potential here to put in at least a few additional elements so that every battle isn't just the same beat-enemy's-health-down over and over.

First, let me just say that I like the idea here and overall it's already better quality than I would typically expect. That said, here are some constructive criticisms:

- The main description for the game should clearly note that the in-browser/WebGL version is way out of date. There's no sense having anyone new misunderstand it as being representative of the latest progress, or spend a bunch of time in there trying to find content that doesn't exist. It was only by reading other peoples' comments about things that didn't seem to show up in the WebGL version that I got clued into the difference.

Speaking of 0.3.2 now:

- There are a lot of glitches with loading character graphics. In various story interactions (erotic scenes, Cece in forest, etc) the character being interacted with failed to show up around half the time. I had to go keeping going out to Gallery to see what I missed. I understand that various bugs are bound to exist with in-development stuff, but this might need some priority because of how often it seems to occur and the poor impression it makes.

- Is the intent for the player to just keep randomly visiting every single location day after day after day hoping something new happens? I had zero reason to visit Poe's shop but just randomly going into it revealed a little quest about a potion. I had no reason to keep going to my room in the house, but randomly one time going through the hallway triggered a bath scene for Cece. There's seemingly no reason to go to the forest, but doing so some time after advancing your first breeder rank or paying you first due (still not sure which) triggers the Elf stuff.

But with things being so hidden, I never know if I'm missing something that can be triggered or if there's nothing left (or not implemented yet). There's apparently Rika stuff but I have no idea what triggers that (I never see her outside of a few story scenes with multiple characters). Is there more Elf stuff after the point of getting a breeding volunteer? I can donate new elves back but no idea what that does. (Is there a hidden count I have to hit?) I can visit their forest but nothing ever seems to be there. I see comments mentioning something to do with Elizabeth and a lighthouse, but again until I stumble over it randomly I have no idea. Do these additional things depend on primarily on advancing breeder rank? I don't know.

- Is it possible for males to be born from breeding? I only ever seem to get females. Or am I unlucky? Or is it a higher breeder rank thing? It's unclear but seems a fairly important question to the gameplay.

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I don't get it. I'm immediately caught by the first enemy. Can't hide. Can't break free. Can't do a damn thing. Pressing space does nothing. The game needs to do a better job on instructing the player of WTF to do.


Edit: My bad on skimming past the FAQ. Though if getting past the first enemy is a Frequently Asked Question, there might be room for tweaking some things. My thought is that it's not great to explain various mechanics but then put the player up against a first enemy who is completely resistant to those mechanics. Without changing much, maybe just adding the text "Run!" a moment before that enemy shows up would reinforce the intent there.

I just want to point out that the description here at the moment describes nothing at all of what the game is about. It's fine to post an update for people who have been following, but you should really consider laying out the fundamentals for anyone who's seeing this for the first time. You can be like "We're keeping it as a place to host the content, and gather some extra funds and that's about it" but this is literally the only way I would ever have come across this game.

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I want to like this. The art is great. I think there's a good concept around corrupting a cute elf boy. But personally the gameplay doesn't do it for me at all.

Actions are slow. In particular it seems like the slide activates seconds after pressing the keys for it, but everything else feels a bit funky too.

The first level feels over tuned. Too many enemies at the same time - you can be trying to deal with enemy A only the be hit by B, C, or D. And the tentacles that can pop up directly under the player with little warning... seriously, who thought that was a good idea?

The second level seems OK, but then you get to the end and it quizzes you on crap no one would know or pay attention to. Is it supposed to be a FU to the player?

Personally, I'm not sure if the current gameplay can be made into a good erotic game. At the moment this embraces the unfortunate contradiction that the only way to experience the erotic content is through failure. Furthermore since there's a timer on the levels, the gameplay discourages you from watching the animations to completion. Too many games make the erotic part contrary to the gameplay part - please don't make this yet another.

In my opinion, this should perhaps go back to the drawing board - take the art assets and make an RPG or a platformer or something of a different genre.

I don't get it. All the eroticness I see in this game is brief nudity. The stats section leads me to believe there's prostitution but I couldn't figure out how to access that or if it's even implemented.

I spent the first several days in game just watching TV and exercising because it didn't appear there was anything else that could be done. Then after finishing a couple quests, I'm now stuck in Haven and can't seem to do anything at all but wander around rooms.

Is the only way to realistically make money the cheat menu? Is there any sexual content at all? I would hope there could be something good here but the game fails to guide the player towards it at all.