Overall I like what you're aiming for in this game, and look forward to the future of it.
But I'm not clear on whether/how increasing the arousal of enemies in battle is actually useful. It seems like the player can spend 3-4 turns to get the enemy to the point where they have to a skip a single turn, but all while doing less or no health damage that you otherwise could have. It seems far more effective just to damage health of the enemy (thereby defeating them in probably 3-4 turns or less). So trying to focus on arousal is just simply worse. (Which is unfortunate because the player missed out seeing that mechanic play out more often.)
Because of that, combat becomes very one-dimensional. Just always use the attack with the strongest power. No reason to do anything else (outside of the very few times a player would be trying to capture a monster). So that means a lot of monster girl abilities are redundant/not-worth-using. For example at one point my harpy had 3 attacks that did either 90%, 80%, or 70% power. What's the point of the 80 or 70 if I'm just always going to use the 90?
As a result this also makes Amanita simply worse than the rest of the other types. Lower attackpower, lower speed. And Slime Girl is the next worse, having at least some speed but still lower attack than everything else. I would like to have their variety in my team, but from an effectiveness standpoint it seems all around better to replace with a second cat, harpy, or even cow.
Maybe you have future plans to revise these combat mechanics. I don't know. But if not, then I suggest doing so. While I don't expect particularly in-depth game mechanics in an erotic game, I feel there's potential here to put in at least a few additional elements so that every battle isn't just the same beat-enemy's-health-down over and over.