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nice short little game! Lots of people using RPG Maker for this jam! XD I like how you had the element of combat, even if it wasn't that advanced. And the graphics look nice too (though I noticed a couple glitches, like I could walk on top of the dumper outside)

What I really miss here is the story telling. If I didn't read the description (or I guess if it wasn't in the title), I wouldn't have know he was heartbroken. But then begs the question of WHY? It would have been cool to interact with the objects and learn more about the story. Like...have it start vague, but then put the pieces together as you interact with objects in the rooms. It's a good start for sure, so good job!

thank you yeah, I definitely had to cut the storytelling to make sure I published the game on time, and I've gotten that same comment from another one of my testers, that it creates this world but doesn't explain enough of the main character

Definitely moving forward, now that I've created this system where you are collecting your MP, in the future, the workload I would focus much more on setting the stage and creating other characters to interact with so that a full story emerges, instead of what I had which was a pretty vague hint of a story.

Also thank you for finding the dumpster; it was a late addition to the game, and I completely forgot to set it to have a collider, so that's something I can fix