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I am only providing a high rating for this game because I am of the firm belief that no photons were in fact injured during it's creation. If I am not correct in this assumption, I would prefer not to know as it would shatter the basis of my reality, at least as it relates to the nature of the Incremental Game Jam contest rules. Additionally, altering the rating of the game if this were taken into account, assuming it were true, which I am absolutely certain it is not, would be a clear indication on the part of the gaming commission that photons had indeed been harmed and that would allow me to deduce the truth of this atrocity, thereby invalidating my initial request that I not be informed in the event of photon mistreatment. Sometimes it is just better that we do not learn the horrible truth about the nature of our universe and so long as I can at least believe in one where all photons are happy, content and free to pursue a life of religious fulfillment, then the rating I have given this game is a true and accurate representation of my feelings regarding it in all its' performance capacities.
