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Ah, that’s a problem.

If it’s only the h_constructor, I can fix that (it’s not used at the moment), but more broadly I guess I have no control over script init order despite them being in correct order in the package.

Yep, we need to wait for next beta which should be soon, and if that still happens, YYG need to solve it then.

So yes, it’s a bug in latest beta runner, that using “vars” as arguments in functions when creating a struct causes errors.

Also, seems that actually 2.3 causes a random order for scripts (especially on import) no matter what is their order in resource tree, so there’s a high probability that divided version of GMLIVE need to be put in some functions, so only one script will define order in which they are created. But that’s to check after they fix first bug, cause there’s no way to check GMLIVE latest version at all now in latest beta.

Deleted 3 years ago