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How long does the original submission have to stay up? Assuming I get something submittable, I've got the bones of something I want to keep working on.

Normally the review commiittee takes about 3 to 4 months to review the entries, so it's recommended to keep the original 7DRL version at least for that long.

Thanks. I'll figure something out.

(1 edit)

I also have browser game and I created a launching screen where you can decide to launch a version with critical bug fixes, the original submitted version (including bugs) or an updated version beyond 7DRL

OK, follow-up question. I've marked my submission as "incomplete" even though it's playable, because it's missing a lot from my original goals. Do "incomplete" entries get reviews, or only "success"es?

Only successes get reviewed. You should consider if what you have is playable enough to mark complete for the purposes of reviewing.

OK, I'll revise it to a "success", because there is a complete (if buggy) game in there, and I'm curious as to what will be most heavily criticised,