That said, I really liked this and it has a lot of potential. I love the atmosphere, environment, models, voice acting, sounds and story so far. Aces Games mentioned the addition of a crosshair; I second that and think it's a really good idea. Jump scares don't always get me but, I really liked the first one! I had a lot of fun with this and I'm looking forward to seeing what you add in the future.
So I had some issue with the controls, not being able to look up or down, which sucked because the environment is awesome and I wanted to look at everything. After watching a few videos though, it seems to be a buggy Unity issue and not a game issue, thankfully. So, any mention I make of the odd controls in the video can be disregarded since it was bugged when I played.
Oh that's pretty odd! You're actually the second person who has that kind of issues which is really weird. Thank you so much for the words and about the crosshair - there's actually a crosshair in the game I created, I just didn't like the fact that there is a white dot in the middle of the screen & it kinda messes up the view. I initially wanted the players to be able to enjoy the environment art without nothing in front of them. That's why I removed the entire character geometry along with the flashlight mesh. Great video you got there! Keep it up!
Have a beautiful day!