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I played your game for about 10 minutes and here are some quick impressions:

  1. Neon Dodger is a very accurate title - you dodge and it is very neon
  2. I liked how you forced movement from the player by dropping the tiles they are on after a set period of time
  3. I thought it was interesting how the projectiles would go forward in time and then back

Here are some things I think would improve the game:

  1. A hit meter or amount of hits left before death
  2.  Adding something to show that you were hit - like making the go-kart change to red and flash when hit.

I hope that helps and good luck!



Thanks for Your Feedback :)

I agree with your criticizm, but I'm a beginner in programming and decided not to mess with HUD this time

 I have just uploaded a little update that also adds a particle effect when you get hit and introduces a starting scene, instead of tossing the player into the level immediately.



I am a beginner as well! I started making games when this gamejam started, lol. I've always wanted to try my hand at creating a game and this seemed like a good opportunity. 

I'll try the game again since you've added some stuff, but honestly this was, I think, a great first attempt especially with only one month to figure out new stuff and make it mesh together. Again, good job and thank you.

(1 edit) (+1)

Actually I've done 2 projects in Unreal before, but programming has always been a secondary thing, where I helped by being more of an idea giver and spectator. This game here was made in just 4 days (2 days at first and then 2 days to redo it completely, fix errors and tidy things up). It's crazy how fast you can learn by just doing stuff :D