Thoughts recorded during my playthrough
+ = I liked it
- = I didn't like it
* = Comment/neutral
+ I love the concept! I haven't even started playing the game and we're already off to a good start.
- What's going on? How do I play?
- No music or sound?
+ Looks like a whack-a-mole game. Pretty unique, I don't usually run into games like this.
* The transformed girls are so similar to the non-transformed ones that I have a hard time telling which ones are transformed; fortunately there is a little bit of "motion" due to the differences in the art so there's a bit of a hint.
- It's game over pretty quick.
- It's not clear how many misses I get before it's game over.
- "Play Again" is kind of off the screen. This is true both in window and full screen mode.
This is a quick, unique game. The concept is simple and is fairly easy to pick up, but it lacks polish. Also noteworthy: it's not clear which theme this game is using.