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(1 edit)

Short but sweet! I enjoyed myself. It was nice seeing Gina and Sakura again, but Katt is new best girl!

I'll admit I was confused by the return to the ship. I feel dumb, but I played the whole thing without understand why that was happening. Reading the other comments cleared that up. One thing that might have been neat would be updated dialogue on each return. (Ok, maybe there was? I only check Katt once, and assumed the dialogue would not change for the others either. My bad if I missed that!)

The combat and movement was good... I found I mostly relied on magic. Melee usually just meant getting damaged. Thankfully, magic was fun to use, so no problems there!

I saw you mentioned the free-Doom assets... I knew I saw Lost Souls being shot at me!

I enjoyed the ending, that was a nice touch. (The "simulation"... is how I will describe it without spoilers). Looking forward to Shattered 2!


Thanks for playing!

I'd really like to do another game with Gina and Sakura, but I don't know if that will happen until Takagi (Holiday 2021). Katt might show up again somewhere, she was basically a nod to a side theme but I like her design a lot.

Trying to get across what was going on was a challenge and yeah, it's not really clear. I actually thought about having other characters react to it more, but by the time I thought of it I didn't have time to do it. I also didn't want to add any more forced dialogue given how tedious some people found my last game.

The magic is definitely stronger. I might buff melee later, but there will be other reasons to use melee over magic in Shattered 2 so it might not be necessary.

Yup, it's a Freedoom Cyberdemon shooting Freedoom Lost Souls. It was a pretty silly idea, but I decided to roll with it given the rest of the project. On a side note, I found Lost Souls terrifying and will waste BFG ammo to kill them as fast as possible.

The ending was actually one of the first parts completed... I'm pretty happy with how it ties in.