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(1 edit)

Okay, I think the reason people don’t really care to play or comment on this is maybe because every art thing here basically made with stock generic RPG maker asset,

Since that’s the case I’ll only judge the gameplay and writing.

The writing is… Is generic, to say the least, In fact, I don’t think I feel there’s any real story, The character barely says anything, and even if they did It didn’t really tell much about their personality. They would just suddenly join your party without much reason, So I assume the story may not be the focus,  

The gameplay is also generic, Yeah the boss maybe randomize but does it really matter? most people gonna play this one time anyway, And even if the boss is different it’s not like there’s any different strategy to beat them other than just deal damage at them as much as possible, yeah sure maybe the enemy elemental may randomize, but Even so, my magic can deal decent damage even without any elemental advantage especially on the first boss when the main character only has one elemental move anyway, And on other bosses, I now have a party member that can deal way more consistent damage than the main character ever did, so I don’t think elemental even matter.

Even if it matters, the main character has so little MP that after a few turns and it would turn into a physical fight anyway. 

Outside the battle all you do is push the rock puzzle that’s it, The puzzle isn’t even challenging, Just pushing rocks to the switch and get all fairy.

Conclusion: I don’t feel like this has any substance to be able to stand on its own at all. It feels like the first RPG maker project, I realized I didn’t compliment anything at all, but that’s because It just feels too generic, with no noticeable good or bad.


I agree with this assessment and I plan on remedying several of these points as I continue to develop this game. Thanks for keeping me honest!