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A member registered Jul 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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I added a Linux port, it's untested though so try it at your own risk.

(1 edit)

I looked at your gameplay, the tension were not supposed to rise that slowly, there must have been something wrong there that's why it was so much harder than intended, I'll look into that bug

Thanks for the feedback! I'll see if I can fix that bug

That's crazy

How did you even do that lmao, Thanks for playing

Thanks for playing, I love making this retro psx style.


thanks for playing, glory to snowman king


Thanks for playing, yeah It really felt satisfying seeing the trace of what you make.

Thanks for playing, I see, maybe it's a little slow.

thanks for playing! yes the snowball can drop on weird place sometimes, I was aware of this but unfortunately I don't really know how to create a system to spawn object without dropping on something.

thanks for playing!

thanks for playing!

thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! glad you loved the style!

Thanks for playing, Yes the game is quite simplistic, it was going to be a lot more complicated with having to create a specific type of snow man  for a quest and stuff but as I start making it i only realize that it would be too much for my skill for this short jam so I went more focus on the atmosphere!

Thanks for playing, glad the colored snowball mechanic that I add at nearly at the last second due to time constraint enhance the game!

Thanks for playing!, glad you went above and beyond to make 20 snowmen!

This game got a decent pixel graphic.

The music is nice. a chilly lofi piano sounds great, but it doesn't loop though

The gameplay revolve around taking advantage  of the ability difference between your size.

This can create an interesting puzzle if the game is longer.

One of the blockage for player is the second stage where you're supposed to wall jump off the edge of the wall because there's absolutely no clue you can do that. (I only know from comments)

I'm not sure why you don't use same the sign to you used to tell the player everything else but not this particular part.

The third stage, you have to jump across pole, the difficulty curve is vertical here. 

Due to the fact that the that you have to precisely throw a snowball, and one miss meant reset

and also how the camera would make it difficult to see the ground you're going to land.

But the checkpoint is near enough that it is not too frustrating.

It is fun though.

This is one of the most polish game here by far, The are are great the pixel art is bright at charmful and fits really well with the Sega-esque music in the background

The game play is to push the snowball to the snowbody and you have to navigate through the obstacle. this is pretty fun

Though there's one frustration thing which is really apparent in the final stage. and that is how the pushing mechanic works.

You see the pushing strength is based on how filled the bar is. which is fine and all, but the problem is how the bar cycle around.

The bar seems to cycle based on time itself in the stage.

This can cause the lack of control on how the strength will be.

when paired with a moving platform this can cause a huge problem, because it meant you not only that you need to wait for the platform to line up properly, you also need to wait for the strength bar to also line up correctly at the same time, so this cause weird waiting game that kills the flow.

The better alternative would be to have a strength bar charge up when player hold the key instead in my opinion.

i love the waterpaint style on the title!

The gameplay is interesting, you play as both character and one can attack and one can gather.

I do think the chaoticness of trying to refill the snowball even though the snowpile is so far away can be quite fun

There's this one snowman that I absolutely hate, it's the one that spawn from the top left.

Because it move so fast it almost instantly got around behind house so I cannot shoot it, and it gets to the house almost everytime for me,

a really cute zelda style adventure with penguin

The art style here is quite cute,

And the music is realy cozy and chill too.

The gameplay is fun. you go around with your trusty sword and make friends to get buff

I had a little hard time find a dragon for a while because I didn't notice the missing fence in the corner of the blocks area.

I like how each character have a lot of dialogue, and you can talk to them at the bonfire.

The hand drawn art style is quite nice.

The whole game have the whole Christmas vibe to it (duh, this is a winter jam) 

But I think the Christmas vibe here is more apparent here than most other game. (idk if this make sense)

This is a stealth game where you will use 2 bugs to help each other get all item to create Christmas tree. It is a nice concept. 

The game is quite challenging, but fun, (I played on Super sneaker)

Though, I only use one bug, and it's the Jingles (the fast one) I felt like the distraction is simply not worth it, the bug that can distract simple walk too slow, and I could easily just use the fast one to bait the enemy then use the hole to escape because the fast one is faster than the enemy anyway.

a nice simple little game, you just swing sword around to clear grass until all of them is gone.

I think tutorial flies by too fast, I think should've stayed until you pressed 1

The the background art is probably AI generated, but at least you tried adding light to make it a little more dynamic.

The music.. doesn't really fit with the game. but it sounded fine by itself.

The art style is pretty good, and fit the funny tone of the story, I love the kid's face (it's not in the actual game but still).

The music during the game play do is fun and chaotic enough to fit right in with the situation

The gameplay can be pretty unique, trying to dodge stuff by dragging santa around can be janky but it is fun.

Although, most of the time in a game where you flying to dodge obstacle like this, if there's no incentive for player to move around across the map. it can cause a situation where it is better to just stay still in one place because it's not like you have to move.

In this game, you can always stay in the bottom all the time and drag present without much thinking, and maybe dodging occasionally when you see things coming. because of this the dragging santa around mechanic aren't able to shine that much because you're fine with minimal movement.

I felt like if the reindeer can slowly fall off by itself almost fix this problem, if you had made reindeer able to fall off the stage if you don't constantly dragging it up will make the game more fun.

good game, the idea of creating snowman minion  for you is pretty fun,

The music  is really nice, it had a great cozy vide to it.

Firing snowball barely work for me and snowman is the only reliable way to fight, well I guess you already know that.

That was actually the plan before, but I ran out of time to implement it so I just leave it as that lol

(3 edits)

crazy how you manage to put this together with a huge team like that.

Art and music is pretty good, The blue-ish pallete pixel art fits together really well. and there's detail in particles

The music is pretty chill, kinda reminded me of minecraft.

The mechanic is not explained because there's no tutorial so I don't even know if i'm doing things right to say anything about it. but the gist is stacking snowball to jump higher. which quite creative I think,

This game really need a dedicated reset button. because if snowball in high place fallen to the ground or disappear you're practically softlocked unless there's a fire or pit to kill yourself with

Edit :

as it turned out the intended mechanic (I think) is to push down snowball to the bottom and press jump really quickly to make it jump really high, 

Except the final stage. I have no idea how to beat it. but I discover that high jump boost tech that can also be perform one from the ground without losing snowball by press jump button twice in a really short timeframe, this can only be perform by using multiple jump button almost at the same time (such as pressing W and up arrow), this let me bring the snowball from the upper area down safely to be able to stack enough to beat the level

sorry if this is a little too long, I got carried away, anyway good game.

Definitely a fun game! really challenging.

A simple bullet hell game. with a nice and simple art
I really love the music!

Though going way back to the start on game over is pretty punishing.

I played on maniac mode and died on the stage 3, 

maybe i'll finish it when I have time.

Thanks for playing!

This game is really polished! you could make a proper commercial game if this quality of polish persists and the game is longer!

Good job!

this is the game that made me give a shot with Godot btw.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

I wish I could make a version or sequel with lots more stuff in the future, 

right now I don't think I'll have time for any of that anytime soon.

Damn bro two stars less, truly is a Dame dane moment.

Anyway yeah, I managed to somehow find a lot of time, which is rare..

So yeah, yeah thank for playing!

Imma be real with you, I have absolutely no idea how to play this game.

I only follow your weakness triangle chart.

And when I noticed that the enemy changes their attack every time I chose a new move,
I kept repeatedly changing my move until I got the enemy to do as I wanted,

I'm not sure if I happen to play at a bad time or something because there are a lot of bugs.

- Health bar doesn't match the numbers

- Enemy gets killed multiple time when defeated

- Boss rewards me with "null"

- Nothing happens after I defeated the boss.

I like the Artcore music though.


if you ever felt like playing it again, there's auto save, and there's stage select.

WebGl crashes often so you could try window version instead.

Thanks for playing, glad you love how I present the game.

Thanks for playing, yeah I made the music myself, glad you like it.