Thoughts recorded during my playthrough
+ = I liked it
- = I didn't like it
* = Neutral/suggestion
+ Custom title screen; only has what is effectively a "start game" option
- Would be nice to have access to sound & gameplay options
- Opening quote plays too slow
- "But there's something's off." Change to "But something's off" or "But there's something off."
* Characters are presented by name instead of by portrait or bust. Not sure if this is a good thing. Normally I'd advocate for a portrait, but given the style maybe it's better this way?
+ I like that the intro is presented with full-screen pictures instead of standard walk sprites. It makes for a better presentation. I can see the characters' unique features and body language.
- "Purple Cluster, poofs away." You don't need the comma.
+ I love the custom artwork. The sprites, tiles, and menu UI are all custom!
* I can get to the options menu after the intro cutscene. Could you make that accessible on the main menu?
- "All right, let's go" appears on the same line as the character's name.
- Got an error when I went to "Keyboard Config." This error also appears if I try to exit the options menu.
- Land, not landed.
- I had to press the action button to enter the battle area. I think it would be better if it were activated by "Player Touch."
+ A tactical battle system? Bold choice. Different, for sure!
- I appreciate that the system gives me an indicator of where I can move, but I don't like how the color of the indicator occasionally clashes with the floor color. It makes the indicator confusing.
- I got this error by clicking away from the app to write some more in my review notes, then moved my cursor back to the app window to start playing again. I think moving the cursor over the character's status window at the bottom triggered the error.
* I can enter the battle room without talking to Purple Cluster. I don't know if that's intended or what effect that will have on the game down the line.
+ I like how each character has her own set of skills. Good variety, well explained.
- I think this should say "That's stupid. Why tell us this if it can't even be used yet?"
- The sentries in the second battle disappear after I hit them. I thought this meant they were dead, but they were still considered "alive" and still had HP remaining. I hit them a second time to fully kill them.
- Do the sentries not do damage? Seems like they don't.
The story and battle system are well thought-out. There are bugs, but this isn't even an alpha version of the game so it's understandable. I enjoyed this game (when I wasn't dealing with bugs). Good start!