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(3 edits)

Thanks for coming back to me. Here's what I've tried since last night:

  • Run through Steam and run direct from the EXE
  • Run from SSD and HDD
  • Tested on all graphics settings

I managed to get it running fine on "fastest" once with no frame rate drops, but on other attempts it was just as laggy.

I'm sure it's fixable, I just need to work out the issue. Is there a way for me to tweak the config file? I couldn't find the graphics settings and was going to see if I could change the v-sync settings to match my monitor frame rate or something.

Sorry this I took so long but as I was messing around with the project and tested a new level and got some lag sometimes.

Did you try restarting the level through the main menu? That might help not entirely sure.

Hi there, yes that doesn't work either. I deleted the game and then downloaded the app and reinstalled it there. Same problem. The introduction in the car is smooth as anything, it's just as soon as I take control of the character the game lags horribly every five seconds or so. Really not sure what to do. It's a shame as it looks like a great game!