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A member registered Mar 07, 2021

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Yes, I previously had the full edition running on my 980 Ti and had the stutter. I've just upgraded to a new PC with high-end specs (3060 Ti) and decided to test it again. Same issue, and I have no idea how to fix it. It just drops from 60 FPS to under 10 then back up again.

(1 edit)

This has got to be top of my most anticipated indie games list, and I’m also checking for news regularly. If the full story mode will be a spiritual successor to PS1 era Resident Evil I’d happily pay for it on Steam.

I think Sodaraptor has been tied up in his/her solo project,  Hypagognia: Boundless Dreams, but in a New Year’s tweet, they said that one of their resolutions is to create a playable demo for Pathogen-X’s story mode:

Keeping fingers crossed we’ll hear more soon!

Well the enemy vs. enemy is a fantastic idea as it leads to lots of experimentation with strategy! Good luck with the story build!

Hello Sodaraptor!

When I saw your new video on YouTube announcing 5.3.3 I was very pleasantly surprised, particularly to see the new enemy (the 'green mutant'). Awesome stuff as always.

This spurred me on to try out a new challenge of running the gauntlet without picking up or using any weapon whatsoever, except the final boss which you have to kill, and in order to do this, I had to make use of baiting the enemies into killing each other (yes yes, I know someone is going to say "but you have five kills at the end" - but trying to define 'no trash mob kills by my own hand' is a little much for a YT video title! :)  )

Is enemy vs. enemy a new feature as part of this update? I've never seen that before! Due to the sheer number of enemies now, this is legitimately the only way to get through groups in tight corridors if you're going full-on pacifist, and if two enemies are standing side by side in front of you, they'll hit each other rather than hit you, as it seems each strike can only impact one target. Absolutely not a complaint, just a curious observation!!

Also even without a weapon, Hawk still has a 'targeting reticule' in front of him - again, wasn't sure if that was intentional or not.

Hi there, yes that doesn't work either. I deleted the game and then downloaded the app and reinstalled it there. Same problem. The introduction in the car is smooth as anything, it's just as soon as I take control of the character the game lags horribly every five seconds or so. Really not sure what to do. It's a shame as it looks like a great game!

Sorry it’s taken me so long to acknowledge your reply; I’m really grateful for all the context and the lore you’re able to share at this stage.

The effects of the virus are indeed gross but also very unique!

I had no idea there was a smaller Meatman that had a chance to spawn. I’ll have to go find him and try to work out his spawn conditions (love this sort of stuff).

I have noticed some rooms are rarer than others; for example I’ve only ever had a map with a staircase once in all my runs whereas the large green canister room seems core to every map.

Anyway thanks, and I’m definitely looking forward to the next update!

Hello! Having played this though quite a lot, I got curious about the enemies in this game and wanted to ask a few questions:

  • What is the name of the large pink mutant (I feel my nickname of ‘The Lobster’ doesn’t do it justice)
  • In the large room with the green slime, only one of the canisters seems broken - even though it repeatedly shows up after you get the vaccine, is there only one Lobster?
  • When you fight The Lobster en route to the elevator you can’t kill him, only bring it to its knees, and is the subsequent respite based on a period of time or for a set number of rooms (for example if you bring it down it won’t show up for the next X number of rooms)?
  • Are the humanoid enemies undead or just mutated / infected?
  • What are those red tendrils on top of all enemies? Is that related to the virus?

And one more question about Arcade Mode in general:

  • When does the mission timer start? Is it from the moment the elevator cutscene finishes or the moment you unlock the lab door at the beginning?

Apologies if the answers to these questions will spoil the story or gameplay but anything you can answer will help satisfy my crazy curiousity! 😁 Thank you!

(3 edits)

Thanks for coming back to me. Here's what I've tried since last night:

  • Run through Steam and run direct from the EXE
  • Run from SSD and HDD
  • Tested on all graphics settings

I managed to get it running fine on "fastest" once with no frame rate drops, but on other attempts it was just as laggy.

I'm sure it's fixable, I just need to work out the issue. Is there a way for me to tweak the config file? I couldn't find the graphics settings and was going to see if I could change the v-sync settings to match my monitor frame rate or something.

It's the base game. I've since tried using Borderless Gaming and playing in Windowed mode, but I've not yet had any joy. Unfortunately, I'm not techy enough to think of other ways I could fix it

Sorry to necro this, but I've just bought the game and I'm having the same problem - every five seconds or so the game will drop from 60FPS to around 3FPS then go back up again. I've played around with the graphics but this has no effect. What did you do to solve this issue? Thanks.

(1 edit)

You’re most welcome, and I’ll see if I can put some time aside to explore and feed back on 5.3.2 but it’s likely just a coincidence and that I had a streak of challenging runs.

On the plus side I’ve now managed to nail the no damage X-Legend run and beat my best time by a whole second lol so I probably need to take a break, but this game should come with an addiction warning! This run is much smoother than my one above and not sure I could do much to improve the time, particularly as I’m not good at remembering the map layouts.

Hello! First of all, I wanted to say just how much of a blast I'm having with this. I downloaded it at v5.3 and I've played it most nights since to try to work out the trick to getting X-Legend on Arcade Mode.

I think I've worked it out; I don't know if I'm correct, but it seems you need to get a mission success time under four minutes, and a score of over 40k (at the same time) - so there's something about the number 'four' in this game (Delta Corp Labs, and delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet...) - but maybe I'm looking into it too much! :)

I've got two no damage S-Jackal runs on my channel so far but both of those have clocked in at over four minutes and under 40k, so that's what I'm basing it on. I'm assuming both kills and item pickups add to the score, so it forces the player into trying to balance speed vs. kills/pickups.

I've not tried on 5.3.2 yet - whilst I like how the darker tone adds to the mood and emphasises the torchlight, I feel it's actually harder! I don't know if enemy placement has been altered but I've died way more times in the latest update.

But back to my overall thoughts - I'm addicted to this, it's so much fun. I was worried the controls would be janky but it's incredibly smooth and so easy to learn. It's hard to master though. You need to build up speed and time your evasive rolls perfectly to avoid getting hit due to monster attack delay and hitboxes, and this allows for a lot of strategy.

I cannot wait for the end product and I'm looking forward to buying it. I'd love to see the storyline following Hawk as he goes through multiple areas on a plot to uncover the truth behind the virus, with bosses, optional challenges and varied enemy types. I know it's pitched as an action survival horror but it would be cool to have dark, spooky areas too, with some old-school jumpscares.

Thanks for a great demo, and keep up the excellent work.