I just managed to play the whole of this novel ...
I didn't expect to cry ... - but with certain situations it's impossible to remain insensitive.
I am rather very impressed.
Otherwise, speaking of the game itself ...
It surprised me enormously, all the turning points that his history can have, depending on our choices ...
In a way, it's a very beautiful story. - the biggest important point in this case is the fact that can be there changes almost continuously from start until the end. (well, I'm talking about the current ending)
Then for my part, I spent moments unexpectedly rich in several types of emotions.
And in addition some characters are absolutely beautiful. (like Blake, the "Boss" (Adam), and that "Hero" officer... - dear Lord, why all the men aren't like him...)
Whatever ... The real "boss" is a very handsome man too.
I remain impatient to know the rest ...
Thank you! Yeah, the game tends to brach out a lot and it's giving me headaches, it's difficult to re-direct the story. But at the end of the day, that's why this is a "game" and not a novel.
Emotions are good. That's exactly what I'm looking, not just a "happy-fun" time.
I see you are on the side of those player that prefer the hunkier characters. That's fine, I like them too xD