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Thank you for playing and your feedback!  I definitely agree with you on your suggestions, I had to make a lot of compromises because of my time constraint but those were all things I wanted to improve.  The reason the reverse time takes so long is because it's actually going back through what happened, and if I attempted to speed that up with my current system, it would only go back a tiny bit of time.  Arm was really difficult to get to even how it is currently, because the arm essentially swaps the up and down aiming with the left and right aiming while diving.. the problem then is that the character is not completely sideways throughout the whole animation, so the points where it's diagonal, it becomes very difficult to aim.  Slowing time while falling was a decision I made insteas of giving the player control of when time slows (by pressing a key or mouse button) which I may revert to in the future.  Yeah the enemies spawning right on you is frustrating, I think the error ai made was that the range/radius I set allowed for then to spawn that way, rather than being clamped at the closer closer distances.  I wanted forward and backward, even made the animation for forward, but where I was in development and the time I had, it wouldn't have been easy to implement, but definitely want to put that in.  Thank you for your feedback and support!