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A member registered Aug 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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That is really awesome!  When I first created the game, I had several people do the same thing and speedrun it!  I updated it and added in a built-in timer and it would tell you your time at the end (in the sky as after you fell) 😄  

Unfortunately, I started to do more work on the project and it got broken.  I do intend to make this into a full game still, but I would have to start it from the ground up with a proper foundation.

However, I am currently working on a bigger commercial project that I'd like to complete and sell within a year.

You can follow along if you'd like, as I stream most of my development on Twitch.tv/HolSynGames

Love to hear your thoughts on my game 😁


Thank you so much!  Glad it was a lot of fun for you :)  Definitely a lot more that can be done to extend on this game :)

Thank you!  Oh yeah, I find 3D easier, oddly, and Unreal is such a great tool :)

Thank you so much!  Oooh yeah that would be a ton of fun!!

Thank you!   Yeah 1 minute was absolutely the plan!! but unfortunately I just didn't have a minute to add the minute time limit 🤔😂

Verrry contemporary 😵 unfortunately

Thanks so much!  Full version? I know right!?  Soo much more I could do with this with a little more time.  I'm thinking about taking this and making a nice solid game over the course of this month :D

It was as quick and dirty as I could make it!  but it worked out.  There's a few things I could do to clean it up a bit and then the crowd will behave even better, avoiding bumping eachother, predicting paths, etc.

Thank you!  Glad you had a lot of fun with it 😁😁😁

Thank you so much!  I appreciate that!

Thank you!  Oh yeah, so much more that can be done with it!  More time will help with that 😁

Thanks a lot! 😁 Glad you enjoyed it!

Hey thanks a lot!  Given more time, I could have made a ton more levels with some other unique challenges :)  I'll build upon it after the game jam though!  Thanks again for checking it out!

Thanks for your review!  The environment was definitely more of just a placeholder for the time being, but future iterations would like to see the levels be progressive and unique!  The story was also kept basic, for the sake of the gameplay pace and focus of the concept, which is simply the action time mechanic.  Thanks for the input!

Thanks for the feedback!  I definitely want to improve the aiming mechanic. Through development, I had the debug line on which served as a laser sight, so implementing a laser sight is something I want to do.  I'm glad you liked it! 🙂

Thank you for playing and your feedback!  I definitely agree with you on your suggestions, I had to make a lot of compromises because of my time constraint but those were all things I wanted to improve.  The reason the reverse time takes so long is because it's actually going back through what happened, and if I attempted to speed that up with my current system, it would only go back a tiny bit of time.  Arm was really difficult to get to even how it is currently, because the arm essentially swaps the up and down aiming with the left and right aiming while diving.. the problem then is that the character is not completely sideways throughout the whole animation, so the points where it's diagonal, it becomes very difficult to aim.  Slowing time while falling was a decision I made insteas of giving the player control of when time slows (by pressing a key or mouse button) which I may revert to in the future.  Yeah the enemies spawning right on you is frustrating, I think the error ai made was that the range/radius I set allowed for then to spawn that way, rather than being clamped at the closer closer distances.  I wanted forward and backward, even made the animation for forward, but where I was in development and the time I had, it wouldn't have been easy to implement, but definitely want to put that in.  Thank you for your feedback and support!

Thank you for giving it a try!  The intended concept was to have a level progression system in which there are different levels, obstacles, puzzles and such that you go through.  I definitely want more enemies, there's so much room for variation in not only the current enemies but in new ones and even bosses.

Thank you very much for trying it out and giving feedback! I appreciate that!  I did notice that particular bug you are talking about, I may end up reworking that shooting system and make it only hold for full auto or just make it as fast as you can click.  Yeah I've actually never beaten it all the way through myself 😂 I've gotten to level 12, but by then had 1 hit to die, and I didn't make it 😂  I also need to make a death screen and a victory screen!

(1 edit)

Working on a bug where the time reversal can cause you to get stuck in a time reversing loop between levels.  (Solved)