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I have a few thoughts:

First off, the overall game play is very solid! The balance feels good in the battles. Never terribly difficult, but it also felt like it was important to choose skills carefully.

The rock pushing puzzles were good... but I do think I'd have liked to see a little more variety. The last game I played that you made had a different puzzle in each of the areas. Doing something like that here could help!

My last note on the game play, but it seemed odd that the MC didn't have much MP.  Maybe I missed a restore item or something? But in each battle, she seemed weaker than the other characters... after 2 spells or so, she was spent... seeing as she's the Magical Girl of the game, it might be nice if she was a bit stronger.

Presentation-wise, the visuals and audio are all fine. But it also seems like they are all (or mostly?) stock assets. That's not a huge deal, but I do like seeing custom art in RPG Maker games.

Storywise, it was all very quick. I didn't really know who any of the characters were, and each new party member got dumped in with very little introduction. If you're thinking of doing any additional work on this one, I'd love to see a bit more dialogue with personality to make them seem more like friends than random NPCs. The whole story in general could use a bit more. It's very straight forward and rushed currently. It does appear to be part of a series though, so perhaps the other games flesh this out more, and this is meant as a small side-story that connects to the whole. (Sort of like an OVA in the anime world)

All and all, it seems like you've got the combat balance down! With some more work on the story, you'll have a satisfying mini RPG!


Thank you for the review! You practically read my mind - I totally intend on fleshing the story out so it makes more sense to anyone who isn't familiar with the characters, and it's intended to be a side-story to the main games. I'm glad that my speed-devving skills can deliver a fairly balanced experience, but yeah, the battle system needs a lot more developing (especially since I plan on filling out the charcter roster on both the friendly and enemy sides). And thanks for the feedback about the puzzles, I'll be sure to add more variety to the puzzles as I go, too.