I did expect an anti-capitalist piece of media but what I didn't expect was glorification of other, arguably less ethical political theories. I don't exactly disagree, as I take no stance, but I didn't want it shoved in my face so blatantly, that's the point I was trying to make. I do think that the brainwashing bit was a stretch as well, I mentioned that in the original post, it was just my brain going a bit wild with the idea. Something that I read from another user, "Flogger" was that the "sorry for colonizers" was unnecessary, it just felt random and like a way to have others who the think the same way say something "deep" about the game. Of course, in the end, none of this matters, my rating was just a critique, nothing more, nothing less, I'm glad you and everyone else who enjoyed it just as much as I did and I am also thankful you replied respectfully, I expected to have preteen alt tiktok girls with kuromi profile pictures to spam me to tell me how I was wrong because everyone should have anything they want.
Still take issue with your idea of glorification, but it's probably not worth getting into. My guess is that preteen alt TikTok girls with Kuromi profile pictures don't really browse itch that often, but I could be wrong. Maybe the tidal wave is fast approaching, like the calm before a storm or the sea pulling back before a tsunami hits. If that's the case good luck and have fun!