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I love the grabbing objects mechanic, the movement feels great, and that enemy in the end was challenging but not "so difficult that I hate playing the game"! Great job. Some advice if you wanted to continue this would be:

Cut some of the more obvious ties with little nightmares- such as the TV guy; make grabbable objects look different from the unmovable ones (like, different coloration); and definitely add sounds!

P.S; did you learn inverse kinematics for the enemy? cause if so that looked and worked fantastically!


Wow im super happy that you liked it!

The grabable objects are colored cyan, but i guess it was too dark to actually tell.. xD

For this enemy i didnt use inverse kinematics, its all regular unity animations.
(His name is Jacob btw ;) )

And sadly i have little to no experience to sound and music design. I know music would help tremendously with this type of game but im just not capable xD

Anyway thanks for the honest review!