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Yeah I could probably have phrased that a little bit different. What I mean is that there has to be a degree of playability in the submitted games. Not just a single empty labyrinth that leads nowhere. If you find this shocking then I'm sorry. That's not the intention. However, jams that you describe are a dime a dozen. When I created this jam I did it with a very specific set of restrictions for the purpose of challenging those with experience in playing games of this genre and also have game dev experience. For such a niche genre and strict restrictions I expected only a few participants to join and maybe a handful of entries. A precursor to this is that I myself made a dungeon crawler in 7 days (The Ogre King) and I wanted to see if others could do it too and what they would come up with.

"I did it with a very specific set of restrictions for the purpose of challenging those with experience in playing games of this genre"

- I haven't really played in this genre at all, but I've seen some screenshots and read your rules... what can go wrong? xD. 


Haha :) Maybe that's an advantage? Then you won't be biased by all the previous games and their re-used mechanics :D