Wow! Nothing but max awesomeness :)
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Sorry for extremely late reply.
I am glad you like the program :)
Regarding your problem with black textures it's because when you export a model from Blender you need to enable tangents in the export settings. I've mentioned it in the help section of AtlasMaker. I struggled for the longest time trying to figure out why my textures got black in parts. :)
In next update atlas name, width and depth will be in the json. Thanks for the suggestion!
There will also be a lot of other improvements and changes in the next update which should be up there in the next couple days.
I love the graphic style and amazing environments and atmosphere! I appreciate the "zooperdan controls" :D
I feel the game has too many bugs to be fully enjoyable right now. I glitched through geometry. I more often than not moved two tiles instead of one resulting in a head injury. I fell through the pier and into the water, which meant I had to restart. Combat seems glitchy too because sometimes I'm almost instakilled while other times I take very little damage. Sometimes items disappeared from inventory for unknown reasons. A couple times when I tried to drink a potion the potion disappeared but I didn't get any health added.
I feel the user-interaction should be revised a little too. I think items you pick up should directly go into the inventory without having to open it. Perhaps even better; items get automatically picked up when moving over them. It's a nice touch with crouching but that also could be automatic when you move toward a narrow entrance, since crouching has no practical use in other situations. Items given to you by a quest NPC should also go directly into the inventory. I didn't know it was dropped to the ground so I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get past the slug without any weapon.
That being said. It was great to finally see this in action and I know it'll only get better. While maybe a little bit early it shows amazing potential and my mind is already thinking about all the cool things we can do in it.
I look forward to using the thingy :)
Great looking game with perfect controls and movement. The perrspective is spot on too. Very nice UI. Nice illusionary wall.
The constant bickering of Jil was super annoying but I guess that's what you went for - and succeeded :D
I got trapped in an area that couldn't get out from.
It needs some more polish on the combat. The enemies sometimes instant moves from tile to tile.
I want to play more, so I hope you finish it post-jam :)
Great game! The dungeon textures and lighting is really good. Coherent graphic style with nice UI and the Alagard font which I love :) Really nice music and ambiance in the dungeon. The game is only let down by the slow controls. It needs to be faster and more responsive, especially with realtime combat. The perspective view is spot on. Well done :)
I am a complete wuss and can't play scary games. I did push through and played a good while until I had to succumb to my fears. Gorgeous graphics and amazing atmosphere in the dungeon. The movement feels somewhat odd and the grid size is a little bit too small, most noticeable outside. Maybe the weapon should be hidden when mouselooking for items, since it gets a little in the way sometimes. All in all, great job!
I loved the drawn textures and the sound effects. It was very satisfying to smash walls. Very nice combat mechanics that require some decision making. I couldn't find a way to heal up so I died eventually but it was enjoyable. The UI needs a lot of work visually but it's all there and functional. Great job :)
This right here is a solid crawler! Beautiful graphics and nice sound to go with it. All the mechanics work well and it's a gorgeous map. I would prefer that player uncovered map when exploring instead of seeing all of it at once. Whipping enemies from a distsance is very satisfying. The perspective is a little bit odd since the camera is pulled very far back. Sometimes I get confused near exits left/right, but it works.
+1 for a snappy instant step
After much thought (and some petitions by players) I've decided to -not- disqualify this at the end of rating period. The only reason is that it's possible to see timestamps, and as long as they stay unchanged I will allow this as a qualified entry. I have disqualified several others that used externally linked files but those didn't have timestamps so there is no way of knowing if it gets updated post-jam. Next jam I will add to the jam page the rule that externally linked files is not allowed and that -all- submitted files must be downloadable directly from the project page.
Sorry for the inconvenience :)
Very polished graphics and good dungeon layout. Once again you nailed the movement and perspective.The sound effects and overall sound design are superb. The lighting and overall atmosphere create a very nice ambiance. The engine is incredibly solid, and every interaction feels great and well implemented. There were however a couple bugs but nothing too extreme except for the rat you mentioned on the project page and a vase that wouldn't let me destroy it - until it was kind enough to move by itself to a location where I could successfully attack it :D
I found myself uncertain about which weapons were most effective. I presumed it followed a vertical progression, with each new weapon being superior to the last.
I always enjoy meeting an old friend; the classic fireball trap :)
The vertical mechanics are executed flawlessly, with smooth ascending and descending.
I am not particularly fond of the combat style. While the concept is intriguing, I found it somewhat awkward and struggled to determine which actions to take, resulting in random key spamming without knowing what happened or why it happened. I lost half my health vs the first skeleton and I didn't see any way to heal up. I found a green potion but when I picked it up it registered as a zooperdan trophy. Actually fighting the vases feels unnecessary. When clicked on a vase a well aimed kick would suffice, without going into combat mode.
It's always fun to be incorporated into a game and this time with a cool 3D model! Too awesome :)
This entry will be disqualified. Submitting an entry with a link to external file is of course not allowed in a ranked gamejam with prizes. It's not allowed to update or change your game past the deadline and with externally linked files we have no control over that. That is unfair to the other participants and is downright cheating.
I will leave your entry visible to others so you can get feedback but once the rating period is over your entry will be removed.
I am not a fan of auto-battles so I went into this with a touch of prejudice. A couple minutes in I'm still on the fence, but because of the polished retro look and interface I pushed on - and I'm glad I did! The auto-battle worked surprisingly well, and the tension and apprehension is still there. I wish there were more layers to it, and backtracking became more and more tedious. The further into the dungeon I got I ended up playing more and more using the automapper, which is unfortunate. I wish there was a way to turn it off completely.
All in all a great entry :)
Well done on the concept! I love the idea of moving around on a galactic map looking for planets to explore (Captive anyone?). The game has a varied set of locations and quite a bit of content and nice inventory management. Visually it holds up well. The controls were a bit awkward though and the perspective has too narrow fov making it hard to orient at times. All in all great job :)
I really like the pixelated and ms-dos'y visuals, especially outside.
The perspective view was a little bit off, because it's difficult to see if there are exits to left and right. It's very easy to miss those when you are walking outside. I had to walk sideways back and forth to be sure I didn't miss any exits.
A dungeon crawler with typing is a cool idea and this is a decent attempt.
I could never find a way to move around using keyboard. I had to use mouse to click on the navigation icons.
Oh, how I wish this was longer!
The environment is gorgeous and I was immediately drawn in and very sad when it ended so abruptly!
Great job :)
My only comment is that the narrow FOV made it hard to see things around you and one was reliant on using mouse look. I would prefer a more pulled back camera so that mouse look played a smaller part. Still, great job!
Nice atmosphere. Unfortunately the game is too short and lacking several mechanics. I like that you added a nice intro and even had in-game cutscenes. I see what you tried to do here and I wish you managed to finish it.
The grid size is very small which results in way too small steps from tile to tile.