Yeah, there is always pros and cons with having stuff set in stone-
One pro is that you don't keep adding bloat to it, what's gonna happen is gonna happen and is gonna happen nice- one foil to this is not having enough feedback/back-and-forth
Another pro is having it to were there is a surprise and fondness of going back to see what changed (absence makes the heart grow fonder after all), yet a foil to this is that the changes are too drastic/out of left field; however, I feel like Fish has foiled this foil by showing videos of it (and everyone seems hyped for the flying enemies in a dreadful sorta way).
One con is having a feature take so long implementing that it makes you go into a slow crawl, though a pro of it is having people theorizing all day and learning new coding techniques to get around the problem.
So in my eyes it just comes down to patience and what's come before (which I feel like after some longer waits for updates this will be more normal and a fun thing to do other than a worrisome wait)