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Development Update 4 (days 34-42):

I didn't make much progress since the last update, but I did set aside a couple days this next week to work on this. In order to account for the dwindling remaining time, I've reduced the scope of the game a bit: I've decided to cap the game at 10 days and 11 nights. After the 11th night, your health will rapidly deteriorate and the game will end.


I've brainstormed 22 interesting dreams, some based on dreams I've had and some that feel fitting for Rebecca's life. Some are pleasant dreams, some are nightmares, and some could go either way based on your decisions. The nightmares will typically come later in the game.

You’re wandering in a stranger’s sunlit house, but everything is surreal.
You’re a bird flying through the air over a green field, but there’s no trees to land on.
You’re golfing with a celebrity, but you’re not sure who they are. President? Actor? Pop Star?
You’re making love to Jennie.
You’re in a beauty salon, waiting for someone.
You’re on a date with Jennie, but she keeps trying to leave early and you try to persuade her to stay.
A stranger is pleasuring herself on a small moon in outer space. You float closer.
You’re Alice at the Mad Hatter’s tea party.
You’re an action hero, shooting at aliens from a helicopter.
You’re a lioness, stalking her prey and feeling powerful.
You’re napping on a warm hillside, with butterflies flying overhead.
You're stuck in an impossibly large mall where you don’t know anyone.
You’re at work, waiting over a dozen tables by yourself and frantically trying to keep up.
You wake up to find that many years have passed and everyone you know is long dead.
You’re falling from a great height, but it’s warm and comfortable.
You’re lost in a deep, dark forest.
You’re an adventurer climbing Everest when things go wrong.
You’re at work, but the Diner is now a Hooter’s and the men keep grabbing at you.
You’re wandering the hospital, then realize you’re a ghost and you died.
Jennie breaks up with you for some insignificant nonsense reason.
You’re on stage in front of a crowd, but you don’t know what you're supposed to do. Sing? Speak? Dance?
You show up to work after recovering, only to find that you’ve been fired.

Remaining Work (in approximate order)
  • Pick 10 dreams to use
  • Implement those dreams' structure, and write in rough-draft text
  • Write the brief daytime conversations
  • Add dream stat changes
  • Test the nightly stat change formulas, and balance the dream stat changes to tune game difficulty.
  • Recolor the UI, which is currently white text on black. Possibly make it change based on the dream.
  • Polish the rough draft writing