Hiya! Really enjoying this game so far, it's rather addicting :'D
My problem is that I can't seem to change my outfit after finishing Neil's 11th chapter (welp, I reckon that I'd need to change my outfit for the next chapter, since I have to design my own ball gown) and as I've looked into the respective folder, that CLTH_00010.png is missing from it, so it's probably either a missing file or a coding error which originally meant to say CLTH_00011.png ('coz that one exists).
Does any of you guys maybe have an idea on how to fix this (playing the latest Windows Beta version, btw)
Thanks a lot everyone~!
Edit: I managed to fix it by renaming CLTH_00011.png into CLTH_00010.png !:D Leaving this here for everyone who might face the same issue. Have a lovely day everyone!^^