The different colors of flour and sugar were loosely intended for use as different varieties (for example bread flour vs all-purpose flour, or powdered sugar vs granulated sugar) but you could also simply select the color you like best.
The second cooked food from the top left is another kind of bread. I think I had something along the lines of a bolillo in mind- sort of an almond-shaped loaf with a deep slash down the center that opens during baking.
The different kinds of bread are simply intended for variety. You can use one, several, or none- it's up to you how you'd like to utilize them! There's just a lot of different kinds of bread out there and I wanted to provide some options beyond the "default" sandwich loaf. There's actually six varieties of bread in the pack:
- sandwich loaf
- bolillo
- sort of a generic crusty loaf - something like a batard
- baguette
- boule
- soft roll (something along the lines of a hawaiian roll)